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The Medieval Time 中世紀的期間: 476-1453 : 西、東羅馬滅亡之間的一千年 公元 五世紀 至 十五世紀 之間的一千年 The Dark Ages ( 前五百年 ) + The Middle Ages ( 後五百年 ) 在 The Middle Ages 一千年中 前七百年 為.

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Presentation on theme: "The Medieval Time 中世紀的期間: 476-1453 : 西、東羅馬滅亡之間的一千年 公元 五世紀 至 十五世紀 之間的一千年 The Dark Ages ( 前五百年 ) + The Middle Ages ( 後五百年 ) 在 The Middle Ages 一千年中 前七百年 為."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Medieval Time 中世紀的期間: 476-1453 : 西、東羅馬滅亡之間的一千年 公元 五世紀 至 十五世紀 之間的一千年 The Dark Ages ( 前五百年 ) + The Middle Ages ( 後五百年 ) 在 The Middle Ages 一千年中 前七百年 為 The Dark Ages

2 中世紀的社會: 1. Feudalism or Feudal System ( 封建制度 ) : Dominant from 9th to 14th C. Feudal lords, vassals, serfs ( 封建領主 ) ( 臣僕 ) ( 奴人 ) Inheritable fiefs ( 封地、釆邑 )

3 中世紀的社會: 2.The Church & the Kings: Alliance & Struggle between them The Carolingians ( 查理曼王朝 ) Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne Emperor of the West in 800

4 中世紀的社會: 3. Classical Learning Ignored: Ecclesiastical ( 宗教的 ) libraries Compendiums ( 概要 ) of knowledge written in monasteries ( 寺廟 ) Universities began as colleges of theology ( 神學 ) & divinity ( 神 ). Patristic ( 神父的 ) writings: Fathers of the Church

5 Medieval Writers : 1. St. Augustin (354-430): –Confessions (399): 《懺悔錄》 conversion to Christianity ( 改信基督教 ) –The City of God (c. 420): 《天神城邦》 the City of God vs. the Earthly City 2. Boethius (480-525): 《哲學的慰藉》 The Consolation of Philosophy (525) An allegorical dialogue in 5 books Philosophy, Fortune, evil, free will

6 Medieval Writers : 3. Dante Alighieri ( 但丁, 1265-1321): –Vita Nuova (The New Life): 《新生活》 –The Divine Comedy (c. 1307-1321): 《神曲》 An allegory of a human soul’s journey through hell and purgatory and on to heaven led by Reason (Virgil) and Theology (Beatrice). Symbols with multiple meanings (3, 7, 9, 10, 100) Three books: Inferno (33 + 1 cantos), Purgatory (33 cantos), Paradise (33 cantos) 〈地獄篇〉〈煉獄篇〉〈天堂篇〉 Epic of the Middle Ages: written in the dialect of Tuscan Preparation for the life after death 4. Chaucer ( 喬塞, 1343?-1400): – Canterbury Tales 《坎特伯里故事集》 “The Pardoner’s Tale” : Greed & Death

7 發展中的文類: 1. Epic and Saga: 史詩 與 英勇故事 Bards ( 詩人 ) & Minstrels ( 遊吟詩人 ): scops, scalds, troubadours, jongleurs, etc. a. Beowulf (Anglo-Saxon) :《貝奧武夫》 b. The Volsungasaga (Scandinavian): Sigurd & Brynhild c. The Epic Edda (Iceland): Brynhild & Sigurth 史詩集 d. The Nibelungenlied ( 尼伯龍根之歌, a German Iliad) : Brunhild & Siegfried e. Chanson de Roland (old French epic): 《羅郎之歌》 Chansons de geste ( 事跡之歌 ) f. El Cantor del Mio Cid (Spanish epic): 《席德傳》

8 發展中的文類: 2.Romances of Chivalry and Love: 俠義與愛情 傳奇 Le Morte d’Arthur (Sir Thomas Malory) 《亞瑟之死》 Tristram and Iseult (Bèroul & Thomas of Brittany) Aucassin and Nicolette (Proven Ç al love romance) 3. The Folk Ballad: 民謠 “Edward”

9 “Why dois your brand sae drap wi bluid, “And whatten penance wul ye drie for that, “And what wul ye Edward, Edward, Edward, Edward, leive to your ain “Why dois your brand sae drap wi bluid, And whatten penance wul ye drie for that, mither deir, And why sae sad gang yee O?” My deir son, now tell me O.” Edward, Edward, “O I hae killed my hauke sae guid, “Ile set my feit in yonder boat, And what wul ye Mither, mither, Mither, mither, leive to your ain O I hae killed my hauke sae guid, Ile set my feit in yonder boat, mither deir? And I had nae mair but hee O.” And Ile fare ovir the sea O” My deir son, now “Your haukis bluid was nevir sae reid “And what wul ye doe wi your towirs and your ha, tell me O.” Edward, Edward, Edward, Edward, Your haukis bluid was nevir sae reid, And what wul ye doe wi your towirs and your ha, “The curse of hell My deir son I tell thee O.” That were sae fair to see O?” frae me sall ye beir, “O I hae killed my reid-roan steid, “Ile let thame stand tul they doun fa, Mither, mither, Mither, mither Mither, mither, The curse of hell O I hae killed my reid-roan steid, Ile let thame stand tul they doun fa, frae me sall ye beir, That erst was sae fair and frie O.” For here nevir mair maun I bee O.” Sic counseils “Your steid was auld, and ye hae gat mair, “And what wul ye leive to your bairns and your wife, ye gave Edward, Edward, Edward, Edward, to me O.” Your steid was auld, and ye hae gat mair, And what wul ye leive to your bairns and your wife, Sum other dule ye drie O.” When ye gang ovir the sea O?” “O I hae killed my fadir deir, “The warldis room, late them beg thrae life, Mither, mither, Mither, mither, O I hae killed my fadir deir, The warldis room, late them beg thrae life, Alas, and wae is mee O.” For thame nevir mair wul I see O.”

10 發展中的文類: 4. Other Genres ( 其他文類 ) : Goliardic verse: 暢懷詩 Latin hymns, Sacred songs: 拉丁贊美詩、聖詩 Lullabies: 催眠曲 Débat: 辯論 The Owl and the Nightingale Fabliau: 低俗故事詩 Allegory: 寓言 The Romance of the Rose (Guillaume de Lorris & Jean de Meun) Piers Plowman (William Langland) Beast epic: 獸類史詩 The Romance of Renart

11 Conclusion : 中世紀的 文化 與 文學 並非全然黑暗。 以宗教的、出世的、禁慾的 內容為主。 是 多種文類 發展的搖籃。 是 courtly love 和 chivalry 昌盛的時期。

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