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Praising God for Christmas Lewis Winkler Luke 1:39-55.

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1 Praising God for Christmas Lewis Winkler Luke 1:39-55

2 Mary and Elizabeth: Expressions of Joy (39-45)  John (the Baptist) Leaps for Joy  Elizabeth was “filled with the Holy Spirit”  Elizabeth Prophesied that:  Mary is blessed  Mary’s child (Jesus) is blessed  Mary is the mother of Elizabeth’s Lord (i.e., Jesus is Lord!)

3 Christmas Contemplations:  When is the last time your heart “leaped for joy” at the thought of Christmas?  If we truly understand what Christmas is all about, our natural response should be sheer joy and the giving of thanks to God for His indescribable gift.

4 The “Magnificat” of Mary (46-55):  God has done great things (46-49)  God is merciful to those who revere Him (50)  God humbles the proud and the mighty and exalts the humble and lowly (51-53)  God gives help to those who serve Him (54-55)

5 God has done great things (46-49)  God in Jesus visited earth by becoming one of the lowliest of us  God in Jesus lived a perfect life before as an example and to do what we could not  God in Jesus died a horrific death in our place so that we could be reconciled to Him  God in Jesus opened the gates of heaven to all who place their trust in Him to forgive their sin

6 God is merciful to those who revere Him (50)  Those who “fear” God will receive His mercy  “Fear” here means to revere and stand in awe of God  This is a promise to all—“from generation to generation”

7 God humbles the proud and the mighty and exalts the humble and lowly (51-53)  The proud and the strong of this world will be brought low by God  The humble and the weak will be lifted up by God  Jesus says the first shall be last and the last shall be first, and that the greatest must be the servant of all

8 God gives help to those who serve Him (54-55)  Just as God has helped Israel—even when they didn’t deserve it—so He will help us because He is a God of mercy  As we reflect back on our own lives, we can clearly see the merciful hand of God at work

9 Christmas Contemplations:  Are you willing to recognize/reaffirm your greatest need this Christmas?  What, after all, made Christmas so necessary?

10 What do we really need?  If all we need is more or better information, God would have sent us a message.  This is the teaching of Islam.  If all we need is earthly freedom, God would have sent us a revolutionary.  This is the teaching of Communism.  If all we need is more stuff, God would have sent us some money.  This is the teaching of Capitalism and Materialism.

11 What do we really need?  What we really need is forgiveness, so God sent us a Savior!  This is the true significance of Christmas!

12 Application:  Consider taking a “Life of Jesus” film and invite a friend, family member, or co-worker to watch it to help them better understand the true meaning of Christmas.  Take some each day this week to thank and praise God for Christmas.

13 O Come, All Ye Faithful O come, all ye faithful joyful and triumphant O come ye, o come ye to Bethlehem Come and behold Him, born the King of angels O come let us adore Him O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord

14 O Come, All Ye Faithful Yea, Lord, we greet Thee, born this happy morning Jesus, to Thee be all glory given Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing O come, let us adore Him O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord

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