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Wide Collisions in Practice Xin Ye, Thomas Eisenbarth Florida Atlantic University, USA 10 th ACNS 2012- Singapore.

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Presentation on theme: "Wide Collisions in Practice Xin Ye, Thomas Eisenbarth Florida Atlantic University, USA 10 th ACNS 2012- Singapore."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wide Collisions in Practice Xin Ye, Thomas Eisenbarth Florida Atlantic University, USA 10 th ACNS 2012- Singapore

2 Overview Side Channel Collision Attacks Wide Collisions for AES Improving Recognition Rates Attack Results

3 Embedded Systems Specific purpose device with computing capabilities Constrained resources Many require security

4 Side Channel Attacks … leaks additional information via side channel! e.g. power consumption / EM emanation Leakage plaintext ciphertext

5 Collisions in AES Collision: Querying same S-box value twice Collision Attack: Exploiting collision detections to recover secret key y1y1 y 4 = y 1 plaintext Add_Key Sub_Bytes S-box 1S-box 4

6 Collision Detection Collisions are highly frequent: – First round:.41 collisions – One encryption:>40 collisions Detecting collisions is hard: – One encryption: 12 720 comparisons – Probability of a collision: <0.4% – False positive rate of 1%: >120 faulty detections  Should minimize false positives

7 Wide Collisions (I)  Two AES encryptions with chosen inputs  Same plaintexts except for diagonals!  AddRoundKey, SubBytes -> same difference

8 Wide Collisions (II) ShiftRows aligns differences MixColumns can result in equal bytes Collision

9 Wide Collisions (III)  2 nd ShiftRows results in equal columns  Full column collides until next ShiftRows!  5 predictable S-Box collisions between 2 encryptions! Full Column Collision

10 Collision Detection Direct Comparison of two power traces Ideally only compared in leaking regions (5 s-Boxes and full MixColumns colliding)  Point selection necessary: – Knowledge of implementation or profiling needed S-box4 S-boxes (in round 3) + S-box in round 2 + Mix Columns

11 Key Recovery Phase 1 st byte after 1 st MixColumns: 4 collisions reduce key candidates from 2 32 to 1 candidate per diagonal. Full key recovery: 16 distinct collisions.  Avoid false positives

12 Outlier Method Procedure: Find overall Mean Trace Locate Outlier Region Locate Neighboring Pairs Mean Trace Individual Trace Outlier Region

13 Outlier Method: Details Two parameters: Size of outlier region Admitted distance between neighboring points Both influence Number of detected collisions Rate of false positives Tradeoff depends on implementation

14 Results Leaking PointsDetected CollisionsCorrect Detections 1 (R = 0.9, d max = 0.3)12723.0% 4 (R = 0.9, d max = 0.3)4671.1% 8 (R = 0.9, d max = 0.3)8893.7%  Wide Collisions stronger, but knowledge of implementation or profiling needed  Blind Templates (+ PCA) are great for device profiling Unprotected SW implementation, 8-bit Smart Card Results on 3000 power traces:

15 Optimized Collision Detection Targeting Wide Collisions – Strong leakage, easier to detect – Requires chosen inputs Using Outlier Detection method: – Reduces overall detection of collisions – Minimizes false positives

16 Conclusion Wide collisions yield feasible power based collision attack Outlier Method is a helpful tool for decreasing false positive detections

17 Thank you very much for your attention!

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