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Selection in Youth Exchange: A Key to Quality Improvement A Key to Quality Improvement Dennis White, Ph.D. District 6220, USA

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2 Selection in Youth Exchange: A Key to Quality Improvement A Key to Quality Improvement Dennis White, Ph.D. District 6220, USA

3 Quality Improvement Training








11 2013 Presentation on Training AND This presentation on Selection On DropboxOn Dropbox At www.yeoresources.orgAt Contact Dennis dkwhite@itol.comContact Dennis

12 Selection in Youth Exchange: StudentsStudents Host ParentsHost Parents District YEOs, CommitteesDistrict YEOs, Committees Club YEOs, Counselors, CommitteesClub YEOs, Counselors, Committees

13 Selection in Youth Exchange: WhatWhat WhoWho WhyWhy WhenWhen HowHow

14 Youth Exchange Handbook, 2008 Edition Search “Youth Exchange Handbook”


16 Successful Student Accept R e j e c t Unsuccessful Student Correct Decision Incorrect Decision (False Positive) (False Negative) Correct Decision Student Selection

17 Successful Student Accept R e j e c t Unsuccessful Student Correct Decision Incorrect Decision (False Positive) (False Negative) Correct Decision

18 Successful Student Accept R e j e c t Unsuccessful Student Correct Decision Incorrect Decision (False Positive) (False Negative) Correct Decision

19 Successful Student Accept R e j e c t Unsuccessful Student Correct Decision Incorrect Decision (False Positive) (False Negative) Correct Decision

20 Successful Student Accept R e j e c t Unsuccessful Student Correct Decision Incorrect Decision (False Positive) (False Negative) Correct Decision

21 "My dream is for every 17-year old to become a Youth Exchange Student. If we could achieve this, there would be no more wars." Carl-Wilhelm Stenhammar, Rotary International President 2005-2006

22 Successful Student Accept R e j e c t Unsuccessful Student Correct Decision Incorrect Decision (False Positive) (False Negative) Correct Decision ?

23 Successful Student Accept R e j e c t Unsuccessful Student Correct Decision Incorrect Decision (False Positive) (False Negative) Correct Decision

24 Successful Student Accept R e j e c t Unsuccessful Student Correct Decision Incorrect Decision (False Positive) (False Negative) Correct Decision

25 Successful Student Accept R e j e c t Unsuccessful Student Correct Decision Incorrect Decision (False Positive) (False Negative) Correct Decision

26 Successful Family Accept R e j e c t Unsuccessful Family Correct Decision Incorrect Decision (False Positive) (False Negative) Correct Decision Host Families

27 Successful Counselor Accept R e j e c t Unsuccessful Counselor Correct Decision Incorrect Decision (False Positive) (False Negative) Correct Decision Club Counselor

28 Successful YEO Accept R e j e c t Unsuccessful YEO Correct Decision Incorrect Decision (False Positive) (False Negative) Correct Decision District YEOs

29 How did you get chosen as District Chair, etc.? They didn’t tell me how much work it would be, until after I accepted!They didn’t tell me how much work it would be, until after I accepted! I wasn’t at the meeting when they elected me.I wasn’t at the meeting when they elected me. No one else would do it.No one else would do it.


31 The Business of Rotary Youth Exchange Al Kalter, Scott Wisner IdeasIdeas InvestorsInvestors SuppliersSuppliers CustomersCustomers ProductsProducts MarketingMarketing

32 Students are not customersStudents are not customers Customers are the host families, clubs and countries we send the students to.Customers are the host families, clubs and countries we send the students to. The Business of Rotary Youth Exchange Al Kalter RYE Florida

33 IdeasIdeas InvestorsInvestors SuppliersSuppliers CustomersCustomers ProductsProducts MarketingMarketing

34 What is missing from this global corporation? What is missing from this global corporation? Employees! Employees!

35 Rotary Youth Exchange is a global corporation Who are our employees?Who are our employees? 1. Students 2. Host Families 2. Host Families 3. District and Club YEOs 3. District and Club YEOs Our product is:Our product is: “The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace…” One exchange at a time. “The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace…” One exchange at a time.

36 Want ad for a student “position”: Want ad for a student “position”: “Global corporation (RI) with an international subsidiary (YE), specializing in the advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace, seeks temporary employees (ages 15-18) for a one year assignment in one of our overseas departments. “Global corporation (RI) with an international subsidiary (YE), specializing in the advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace, seeks temporary employees (ages 15-18) for a one year assignment in one of our overseas departments. Only highly motivated individuals, in agreement with our mission statement, willing to represent one of our local departments somewhere else in the world need apply. Some travel required”. Only highly motivated individuals, in agreement with our mission statement, willing to represent one of our local departments somewhere else in the world need apply. Some travel required”.

37 Interviews: Employees need to be interviewed Tell us something about yourself.Tell us something about yourself. Why do you want to be an exchange student?Why do you want to be an exchange student? Where would you like to go?Where would you like to go? What kind of experience do you have living in another culture?What kind of experience do you have living in another culture? A typical YE Interview: A typical YE Interview:

38 Interviewer Biases: StereotypingStereotyping Inconsistency in questioningInconsistency in questioning First impression errorFirst impression error Negative emphasisNegative emphasis Halo effectHalo effect Nonverbal biasNonverbal bias Similar-to-me errorSimilar-to-me error

39 Successful Student Accept R e j e c t Unsuccessful Student Correct Decision (True Positive) Incorrect Decision (True Negative) (False Positive) (False Negative) Correct Decision

40 Some promising research being done in RYE Florida, Ohio-Erie and SCRYE The Resiliency Scales for Children and AdolescentsThe Resiliency Scales for Children and Adolescents

41 Resiliency Resilience is the ability to adapt well and recover quickly after stress or adversity. If you have a resilient personality, you are better able to maintain poise and a healthy level of physical and psychological wellness in the face of life's challenges.

42 Some promising research being done in RYE Florida, Ohio-Erie and SCRYE The Resiliency Scales for Children and AdolescentsThe Resiliency Scales for Children and Adolescents All Outbounds are given the test early in the training yearAll Outbounds are given the test early in the training year Has given us specific areas to assist students individually in preparing for the exchangeHas given us specific areas to assist students individually in preparing for the exchange

43 Some of the Resiliency Scales measure: optimism optimism ability to set and achieve goals ability to set and achieve goals adaptability adaptability ability to develop trust ability to develop trust ability to seek and utilize support ability to seek and utilize support general level of comfort general level of comfort tolerance of differences tolerance of differences sensitivity to others sensitivity to others ability to recover from stress ability to recover from stress

44 Ask Interview questions for which students cannot prepare in advance, and which relate to skills that seem to be related to success as an exchange student (RYE temporary employee) What has been the greatest challenge you have had to deal with in your life? Tell us how you have dealt with it.What has been the greatest challenge you have had to deal with in your life? Tell us how you have dealt with it. Tell us about a problem you have had in your life and how you went about solving it.Tell us about a problem you have had in your life and how you went about solving it. Tell us about a time when you failed at some task but kept on working on it until you succeeded.Tell us about a time when you failed at some task but kept on working on it until you succeeded. Tell us about some ways you have learned from your mistakes.Tell us about some ways you have learned from your mistakes. Tell us about a time when you have had to ask for help with a problem.Tell us about a time when you have had to ask for help with a problem. Tell us about a time when you have disagreed strongly with someone else that you had to interact with. How did you deal with it?Tell us about a time when you have disagreed strongly with someone else that you had to interact with. How did you deal with it? Questions from the Resiliency Scales

45 All employees need Job Descriptions StudentsStudents Host FamiliesHost Families District YEOS, Committee MembersDistrict YEOS, Committee Members Club YEOs, CounselorsClub YEOs, Counselors

46 Proposed by and led by Erwin Zeller The #1 problem is Club /YEO/ Counselor support 50% reported seeing their club counselor less than 1/month Student Post- Exchange Survey

47 The #1 problem, globally, is Club /YEO/ Counselor support

48 An excellent resource is the Youth Exchange Handbook The Club Counselor should: Establish contact with the student before departure Establish contact with the student before departure or after arrival, explaining the expectations of the club or after arrival, explaining the expectations of the club and the district and maintaining and documenting and the district and maintaining and documenting regular contact (at least once a month) regular contact (at least once a month) Counsel the student in matters such as choosing Counsel the student in matters such as choosing classes, making friends, and participating in activities classes, making friends, and participating in activities Help the student adapt to the culture and language Help the student adapt to the culture and language Work with the community and the student’s school to Work with the community and the student’s school to ensure that the student is involved in positive activities ensure that the student is involved in positive activities and community life and community life

49 An excellent resource is the Youth Exchange Handbook The Club Counselor: Informs the student about abuse and harassment prevention and creating a supportive atmosphere in which the student feels comfortable discussing any concernsInforms the student about abuse and harassment prevention and creating a supportive atmosphere in which the student feels comfortable discussing any concerns Serving as an advocate for the student in any matterServing as an advocate for the student in any matter The Rotarian counselor should be trained to respond to problems or concerns that may arise during the exchange, including allegations of abuse or harassmentThe Rotarian counselor should be trained to respond to problems or concerns that may arise during the exchange, including allegations of abuse or harassment Etc.Etc.

50 All employees need Job Descriptions StudentsStudents Host FamiliesHost Families District YEOS, Committee MembersDistrict YEOS, Committee Members Club YEOs, CounselorsClub YEOs, Counselors

51 Selection in Youth Exchange: StudentsStudents Host ParentsHost Parents District YEOs, CommitteesDistrict YEOs, Committees Club YEOs, Counselors, CommitteesClub YEOs, Counselors, Committees

52 Selection in Youth Exchange: WhoWho WhatWhat WhyWhy WhenWhen HowHow

53 Selection in Youth Exchange: A Key to Quality Improvement A Key to Quality Improvement Dennis White, Ph.D. District 6220, USA

54 Other resources: This presentation is at and on DropboxThis presentation is at and on Online Training for Youth Protection is at www.yeoresources.orgOnline Training for Youth Protection is at All presentations from NAYEN Conferences from 2006 to the present are at www.Nayenconference.orgAll presentations from NAYEN Conferences from 2006 to the present are at Contact Dennis White:

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