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September 22-24,2010 Peachtree City, Georgia Jimmie Samuel, President Welcome.

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Presentation on theme: "September 22-24,2010 Peachtree City, Georgia Jimmie Samuel, President Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 22-24,2010 Peachtree City, Georgia Jimmie Samuel, President Welcome

2 Will Non-Profits CAAs Be Able to Meet Rising Demands? Source Data: Georgia Center for Non-Profits –

3 September 22-24,2010 Peachtree City, Georgia Welcome Source: Georgia Center for Non-Profits

4 31% note dramatic (+30%) increases Source: Georgia Center for Non-Profits- Survey of Non-Profit Financial Health

5 What are the primary reasons for diminished capacity to meet demands? 1. Funding Cuts 2. Increased Costs 3. Management Capacity 4. Lack of Space 5. Lack of Volunteers Source: Georgia Center for Non-Profits- Survey of Non-Profit Financial Health

6 “We are seeing more middle class people and families” E.D. of a Savannah area Food Bank “Our former donors are now our clients – they come to us to keep the lights on and pay the rent.” E.D. of an emergency assistance program

7  24% indicated that the organization had more than 6 months reserves;  55.2% had less than 3 months and  19% had no reserves at all. The number of agencies reporting no existing reserves increased by 5%; those with 3 months decreased by 3.5%, and those with 6 months reserves decreased by 4%. Not a small nonprofit issue GCN Survey - N=255 agencies For those respondents with annual budgets exceeding $5M, 62.5 % had less than 3 months of liquid reserves contrasted with 56.2% for groups with less than $2M annual budgets.

8 68.2% of Respondents had Government Contracts Increasing ISSUES:  Protracted Reimbursements  Cash Flow Problems & Temporary Insolvency  Zero notice contract cancellations  Renegotiated contract rates on-the-fly Source: Georgia Center for Non-Profits- Survey of Non-Profit Financial Health

9 Cutting Staff Cutting Operational Costs Source: Georgia Center for Non-Profits- Survey of Non-Profit Financial Health

10  11.6 % will Shorten work weeks or lower hours  20.5% will Hold vacant positions  6.3% will Shift FTE’s to Part Time to save on benefits costs  31% reported staff layoffs in Q1 compared to 27% reporting layoffs in Q4 2008 n=112 Source: Georgia Center for Non-Profits- Survey of Non-Profit Financial Health

11  11.6 % will Shorten work weeks or lower hours  20.5% will Hold vacant positions  6.3% will Shift FTE’s to Part Time to save on benefits costs n=112 Source: Georgia Center for Non-Profits- Survey of Non-Profit Financial Health

12 Collaboration & Other Unnatural Acts 28.9% would consider a merger if they had resources to manage it. 50% would combine advocacy efforts or marketing efforts with other groups 44% would consider consolidating their back office or outsourcing it Source: Georgia Center for Non-Profits- Survey of Non-Profit Financial Health

13 Cutting Programs & Tightening Constraints  44.3% will increase constraints to limit demand compared to 37.5% in Q4  44% will close some programs to shift support to core initiatives or to cut costs compared to 30.8% in Q4 Increased Fundraising & Marketing Activity

14  Direct Program Expenses (food,performance productions, animal care)  Conferences & Travel  Supplies & Equipment  Print & Mail  63% will keep compensation levels even  67% will keep benefits intact  58% will not or will only slightly reduce professional development Source: Georgia Center for Non-Profits- Survey of Non-Profit Financial Health

15 7% Fewer felt they would realize significant revenue declines and 6% more felt the impact would be slight 30% felt government contracts would remain stable 21% Expect to start a capital campaign (compared to 10% in Q4) 40% Plan to deliver events as usual 24% Expect to start a new event 63% Expect to hold salaries & benefits at current levels 22.1% Expect to expand programs 54% Expect to hold programs at current levels Source: Georgia Center for Non-Profits- Survey of Non-Profit Financial Health

16 Survey Question: If you are meeting the demand, what made the difference? 1. Careful Planning and Financial Controls 2. Increase or Improved Development Activity 3. Active Board Involvement Source: Georgia Center for Non-Profits- Survey of Non-Profit Financial Health


18 ARRA Implementation Technology and Reporting Enhancements Peer to Peer (Self Regulation) Legislative Education Resource Development Marketing and Communication

19 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm FRAME THE ISSUES  Select a Recorder, Time Keeper and Reporter  Discuss the Topic  List the Issues/Problems

20 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm ESTABLISH GOALS/OBJECTIVES  Describe the Desired Future – “What Do You Envision”?  List three (3) Possible Solutions for Each Issue/Problem Identified

21 Discussion Starters: Grantee Performance (WAP/CSBG) Program Evaluation Risk Mitigation and Management Others

22 Discussion Starters: EZT Centralization ARRA/CSBG Reporting IT Personnel Others

23 Discussion Starters:  Application Process  Mentoring  Confidentiality  Others

24 Discussion Starters:  Legislative Agenda  Governmental Affairs  Interns  Others

25 Discussion Starters:  Federal Grants Life Cycle  Membership Dues  Fund Raising Ideas  Others

26 Discussion Starters: CAA Best Practices Poverty Reduction Messaging Communications Plans Others

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