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Mitosis and the Cell Cycle

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1 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Chapter 10 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle

2 Mitosis Song

3 Fun Facts DNA from one cell stretched out would be 2 m long
DNA from a baby would have 15 round trips from the sun to Pluto

4 Chromosomes Def. – DNA that is organized and packaged into structures
DNA is composed of hereditary units called genes

5 Chromosomes (cont.)(page 225)
Organized by super-coiling They are coiled around a protein called a histone. A DNA wrapped histone is then called a nucleosome.



8 Cell Cycle Cell cycle= the cell’s life cycle Made up of 3 parts
Interphase Mitosis Cytokinesis

9 Cell cycle continued Interphase
This is where the cell will spend most of its life During this phase the cell is not dividing 3 phases G1 (First gap phase) S (Synthesis phase) G2 (Second gap phase)

10 Interphase G1 Grows rapidly S Cell’s DNA is copied G2
Continues to grow and prepares to divide


12 Cell cycle continued Cell Division- the following two steps is where the cell divides Mitosis Nucleus divides Cytokinesis Division of cytoplasm

13 Mitosis- 4 phases (pg 231) Prophase
Chromosomes become thick and visible Nuclear membrane breaks down Centrioles move to the poles Spindle fibers form (attached to centrioles)


15 Mitosis Metaphase Nuclear membrane is completely gone
Chromosomes MEET in the middle of the cell Spindle fibers attached to centromeres


17 Mitosis Anaphase Spindle fibers shorten
Sister chromatids (half an X) start to move to opposite sides of the cell (now a chromosome) Ends when the chromosomes reach the poles


19 Mitosis Telophase A nuclear membrane forms around the chromosomes at each pole Chromosomes uncoil and change back into chromatin form (spaghetti) Spindle fibers break down and disappear


21 Cytokinesis- last part
Splitting of the cytoplasm Different in plants and animals Plants pg. 232 Have a cell plate form in the middle of the cell

22 Cytokinesis (cont.) Animals
Cell is pinched in half by a belt of protein threads Balloon and string demo



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