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January 2006Colby College ITS Getting Started with iMovie.

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1 January 2006Colby College ITS Getting Started with iMovie

2 January 2006Colby College ITS Starting iMovie 1.Start iMovie by clicking on the iMovie icon in the dock 2.When the iMovie dialog appears, select “Create a New Project” 3.Enter a name for your movie 4.And click “Create” Clip Art

3 January 2006Colby College ITS Interface 1.Monitor 2.Clips Pan 3.Scrubber Bar 4.Playhead 5.Clip/Timeline View 6.Camera/Edit Mode 7.Video Controls 8.Volume Control 9.Editing Tabs 10.Trashcan 1.2. 7. 4. 5. 3. 6. 10. 8. 9. Monitor Clips Pane Clip and/or Time Line Viewer

4 January 2006Colby College ITS Importing Video 1. Connect your camera 2. Turn it on 3. Make sure you have the iMovie switch pointed to Camera mode 4. Click “Play” 5.Movie will play in Preview Screen 3. 4. 6. When you see a scene you want, Click “Import” 7.As iMovie imports video, it stores it in the “Clipboard” 8.When a scene changes, it automatically creates a new “Clip” 8. 7. 6. 5.

5 January 2006Colby College ITS Viewing your Clips You can view your clips in two ways: 1.Select the clip you want to view and click the Play icon OR 2.Place you cursor over the frame marker at the bottom on the screen and drag the marker. 3.This is called “Scrubbing” 2. Notice the format of the time stamp on the clip. mm:ss:ff = minutes:seconds:frames 1.

6 January 2006Colby College ITS Naming and Arranging Clips 1.Drag and drop your clips from the Clipboard to the Clip Viewer 2.To name your clips, click on the clip number and enter a new name in the Clip Info screen 3.You can rearrange your clips in any order you choose 4.Or move clips back to the clipboard if you decide you do not want to use them 5.Click the play icon to view your entire movie

7 January 2006Colby College ITS Removing Portions of Clips 1.Click the TimeLine mode icon 2.Notice that as you placeyour cursor next to a clipit changes shape 3.You can do this either in front of, or behind a clip 4.You can now push or pull the cursor to shorten or “roll up” video you do not want in the clip 5.Also notice that the picture scrubs in the preview window as you do this

8 January 2006Colby College ITS Splitting Clips 1.Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move the playhead one frame at a time 2.Position the marker on the very LAST frame before your desired cut 3.Edit > Split Video Clip at Playhead will create two clips, split at the frame you indicated 3. 1.

9 January 2006Colby College ITS Using Transitions 1.Click on the Transitions tab 2.Select the transition you want 3.A preview appears 4.Set the duration of the transition on the sliders 5.Drag the transition between the two clips you selected to transition 2. 1. 3. 4. 5.

10 January 2006Colby College ITS Adding Effects 1.Click on the Effects tab 2.Select an effect and see the preview of what it will look like 3.Choose the effect you want Click “Apply” 4.You can add more effects by repeating this process 5.Adjust the scale of the effect using the Scale slider 6.Set when an effect will occur and if it will stop with the Effect In and Effect Out sliders

11 January 2006Colby College ITS Creating a Title 1.Click on the Title tab 2.Select the type of title you want 3.Select a color if you want the title to be in color 4.Select Font and Size values 5.Enter your title text 6.You can see a preview in the small window at the top of the work area 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

12 January 2006Colby College ITS Positioning the Title 1.If you want the title to display over a black background, click on “Over black” 2.Drag the selected title action to the Clip View 3.Wait for the red Rendering line to complete loading the title 4.Click on “Preview” to view the title 1. 2. 3. 4.

13 January 2006Colby College ITS Adding Photos From iPhoto 1.Click on the Photos tab 2.Select the iPhoto library from which you will import the photo 3.Select the photo you want to import 4.A preview appears in the small window at the top of the screen 5.You can choose to leave the “Ken Burns” effect on, or turn it off 6.Use the sliders to set the size and how long the picture will stay on screen 7.Drag your photo between any two clips to insert it 3. 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7.

14 January 2006Colby College ITS Adding Still Photos From a Clip 1.Move the printhead to the frame from which you want to create a still shot 2.Edit > Create Still Frame 3.iMovie will insert a still shot in the clip board 4.You can save this picture in an iPhoto library if you wish to use it elsewhere

15 January 2006Colby College ITS The Ken Burns Effect 1.Select the still to which you want to apply this effect 2.Click the Ken Burn Effect box 3.Move the sliding knob to Start 4.Adjust zoom and duration of how you want the effect to start by moving the sliders 5.Move the sliding knob to End 6.Adjust how you want zoom and duration to run for the end of the effect 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

16 January 2006Colby College ITS Inserting Audio 1.Click the Audio tab (If you want to insert tracks from a CD insert the CD now.) 2.Choose your Audio source a)iTunes if the audio is already in your iTunes library b)Audio CD c)iMovie Sound Effects 3.Select the movie clip in the timeline that you would like to add a sound effect to. 4.Drag the playhead on the timeline to the frame where you would like the clip to play, and click Place at Playhead. You will see the sound clip in the movie track. 1. 2. 4.

17 January 2006Colby College ITS Adjusting Audio Volume 1.Select the desired clip in the Timeline. 2.Go to the clip volume control 3.Click on the blue sound icon. 4.Adjust the volume of the clip, from 0-150%. 2. 4.

18 January 2006Colby College ITS Extracting Audio from your Clip 1.Select the Clip 2.Advanced > Extract Audio 3.iMovie will extract the soundand put it in your Media folder as a voice Clip 4.You can then edit the audio as you would any othersound

19 January 2006Colby College ITS A Final Thought While FUN! – twirling, bouncing, chopping, et al tend to cloud the message and distract your viewer. Keep it Simple Stupid and Straightforward

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