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The Sleuth Kit Brian Carrier Set of tools to analyze device images.

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Presentation on theme: "The Sleuth Kit Brian Carrier Set of tools to analyze device images."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Sleuth Kit Brian Carrier Set of tools to analyze device images

2 Free & Open Source ● ●

3 Image File Tools This layer contains tools for the image file format. For example, if the image format is a split image or a compressed image. img_statimg_stat: tool will show the details of the image format img_catimg_cat: This tool will show the raw contents of an image file.

4 Disk Tools These tools can be used to detect and remove a Host Protected Area (HPA) in an ATA disk. A HPA could be used to hide data so that it would not be copied during an acquisition. These tools are currently Linux-only. disk_sresetdisk_sreset: This tool will temporarily remove a HPA if one exists. After the disk is reset, the HPA will return. disk_statdisk_stat: This tool will show if an HPA exists.

5 Volume System Tools These tools take a disk (or other media) image as input and analyze its partition structures. Examples include DOS partitions, BSD disk labels, and the Sun Volume Table of Contents (VTOC). These can be used find hidden data between partitions and to identify the file system offset for The Sleuth Kit tools. The media management tools support DOS partitions, BSD disk labels, Sun VTOC, and Mac partitions. mmlsmmls: Displays the layout of a disk, including the unallocated spaces. mmstatmmstat: Display details about a volume system (typically only the type). mmcatmmcat: Extracts the contents of a specific volume to STDOUT.

6 File System Tools File System Layer Tools These file system tools process general file system data, such as the layout, allocation structures, and boot blocks fsstatfsstat: Shows file system details and statistics including layout, sizes, and labels.

7 File Name Layer Tools These file system tools process the file name structures, which are typically located in the parent directory. ffindffind: Finds allocated and unallocated file names that point to a given meta data structure. flsfls: Lists allocated and deleted file names in a directory.

8 Meta Data Layer Tools These file system tools process the meta data structures, which store the details about a file. Examples of this structure include directory entries in FAT, MFT entries in NTFS, and inodes in ExtX and UFS. icaticat: Extracts the data units of a file, which is specified by its meta data address (instead of the file name). ifindifind: Finds the meta data structure that has a given file name pointing to it or the meta data structure that points to a given data unit. ilsils: Lists the meta data structures and their contents in a pipe delimited format. istatistat: Displays the statistics and details about a given meta data structure in an easy to read format.

9 Data Unit Layer Tools These file system tools process the data units where file content is stored. Examples of this layer include clusters in FAT and NTFS and blocks and fragments in ExtX and units blkcatblkcat: Extracts the contents of a given data unit. blklsblkls: Lists the details about data units and can extract the unallocated space of the file system. blkstatblkstat: Displays the statistics about a given data unit in an easy to read format. blkcalcblkcalc: Calculates where data in the unallocated space image (from blkls) exists in the original image. This is used when evidence is found in unallocated space.blkls

10 Image File Tools ● img_stat - displays details about the disk image

11 img_stat Image Formats

12 img_stat In Action IMAGE FILE INFORMATION -------------------------------------------- Image Type: raw Size in bytes: 2000683008

13 Media Management Tools ● mmls – displays the layout of the disk – Locates the various partitions

14 Image Types

15 Volume Types

16 In Action ● Image type ● Sector size ● Partition tables ● Partition start, end, length, and type ● Shows unallocated space as separate entries ● Slot for multiple partition tables as in extended partitions This is the Partition Number sansforensics@SIFT-laptopsansforensics@SIFT-laptop:/cases/RED$ mmls red.001 DOS Partition Table Offset Sector: 0 Units are in 512-byte sectors Slot Start End Length Description 01: ----- 0000000000 0000000061 0000000062 Unallocated 02: 00:00 0000000062 0001921999 0001921938 Win95 FAT32 (0x0C) 03: 00:01 0001922000 0003905503 0001983504 NTFS (0x07) 04: ----- 0003905504 0003907583 0000002080 Unallocated

17 Media Management Tools ● mmcat - extracts the contents of specific partition in an image – Copies to a separate file – Get offset, type, sector size etc. from mmls – part_num: from column #1 in mmls

18 In Action sansforensics@SIFT-laptopsansforensics@SIFT-laptop:/cases/REDD$ mmcat red.001 2 >

19 In Action sansforensics@SIFT-laptopsansforensics@SIFT-laptop:/cases/REDD$ mmcat red.001 3 >

20 Details of a File System ● fsstat – Must be given an image of the partition. ● Extracted using – For example: or ● However if you know the offset – fsstat -o 62 red.001 works also

21 fsstat – FAT Part 1

22 fsstat – FAT Part 2

23 fsstat – NTFS Part 1

24 fsstat – NTFS Part 2

25 fls – File/Dir Listings ● List all directories and files in an image – Inodes or MFT entries, etc. – Full path ● List file types ● List MAC dtg's ● Lists deleted or undeleted files only

26 fls - Usage

27 fls in Action Get the correct offset to the correct partition. These are the FAT entries.

28 fls in Action Get the correct offset to the correct partition. These are the MFT entries.

29 istat – Usage (FAT) ● Lists details of a metadata structure ● istat – inode # (mft #, FAT entry)statistics – File attributes – File name – Size – MAC Times (FAT), (NTFS), both $SA, $FILE_NAME – Sectors allocated, $DATA info

30 istat in Action with FAT

31 istat in Action with NTFS

32 ffind - Owner of a data block ● Finds the name of the file or directory using a given inode, FAT entry, or MFT entry ● -a: all occurances ● -d: deleted entries only ● -u: undeleted entries only

33 ffind – in Action

34 icat – Display a File ● Output the contents of a file based on its inode number ● Usual calling parameters ● -r : recover deleted file ● -s : displays slack space at end of file

35 icat – in action


37 icat – in action Grabbing the MFT for analyseMFT

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