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The WLAC Digital Curriculum Storage System Accessing, Uploading, and Downloading and Sharing a file.

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Presentation on theme: "The WLAC Digital Curriculum Storage System Accessing, Uploading, and Downloading and Sharing a file."— Presentation transcript:

1 The WLAC Digital Curriculum Storage System Accessing, Uploading, and Downloading and Sharing a file

2 The Digital Storage System The Old Way Before this system was developed, the best method for transferring data from computer to computer with the flash drive Office ComputerClassroom ComputerThe Flash Drive

3 The Digital Storage System How the system works Digital Curriculum Storage System Student’s Computer Classroom Computer Home Computer Office Computer

4 The Digital Storage System Accessing the System Enter your user name. This is your WLAC login ID. Enter your password. This is your employee ID Go to the Faculty and Staff section of the WLAC website click on ‘Digital Curriculum Storage’

5 To begin the process of uploading a file click on ‘Download/Upload’ A drop down box will appear You will click on ‘Upload’ The Digital Storage System- Uploading a file

6 The Digital Storage System- Uploading a file After clicking on the file that you want to upload it will appear in the ‘File Name’ Box Click on ‘Open’ to move to the next step Locate the file that you want to upload from this list of files on your computer and click on the name of that file.

7 The Digital Storage System- Uploading a file The file that you selected is now ready to load to the Digital Storage system. Click on ‘Upload to complete the process’ If you want to load additional files click on ‘Browse’ and repeat the steps from the previous slide. Click on ‘Upload’ after you have selected all of your files. As you can see from this message, your file has been successfully uploaded Close this box by clicking on the X in the upper right corner.

8 The Digital Storage System- Downloading a file Click on the name of the file that you want to download. The file name will be highlighted Click on the words ‘Download/Upload’ A drop down box will appear. Click on the word ‘Download’

9 The Digital Storage System- Downloading a file After clicking on ‘Download’ this box will appear. Click on ‘Open’ to download the file Your file is now loaded to your desktop. If you want to save changes to the file, you must upload the file to the digital storage system. If you have downloaded the file to a public or classroom computer, you should delete the file from the desktop

10 Digital Curriculum Storage Linking to a File You can provide your students with a direct link to files on your site. The link will consist of the following User Name/folder/filename.ext Here is how this works The address of the site is the same for all users Your user name is your WLAC user name i.e.. jonesjj The folder is the name of the folder where the file resides. If you have subfolders, use the folder and the sub folder separated by a forward slash- i.e.. folder3/folder4 The file name is the name of the file that you want the students to access The extension is the extension name of the file. This might be.doc,.xls,.png etc.

11 Digital Curriculum Storage Linking to a file- An Example The Address for the file ‘map.jpg’ is as follows Classes/map.jpg The same for all users Your User ID The folder name The file name The file extension

12 Digital Curriculum Storage Practice Step # 1Upload a file to your digital storage folder Step # 2Download a file from your digital storage folder to your computer Step #3Create a link to a file in your folder. Access that file by clicking on the link

13 You will start with 1GB of storage space. Contact I.T. if you need more storage Don’t load exe. Files to the system they can spread computer viruses Always compress video files before loading them to the system Do not load files or images that violate LACCD policy The user is responsible for insuring that content complies with applicable copyright law The Digital Storage System Final Notes

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