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NOTE: Trial balance should be tallied before closing.  Step1: Check free Disk space on Drive where Oracle is Installed. Free space must be approx. twice.

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Presentation on theme: "NOTE: Trial balance should be tallied before closing.  Step1: Check free Disk space on Drive where Oracle is Installed. Free space must be approx. twice."— Presentation transcript:


2 NOTE: Trial balance should be tallied before closing.  Step1: Check free Disk space on Drive where Oracle is Installed. Free space must be approx. twice of Current Database Size.  Step2: Check for any pending amount.If found any dues then consult account department.  Step3: Ask client to send request for closing. For it, follow the following steps:  Download new from and extract it in package folder (for example : d:\CDSL)  Run licclient.exe licclient.exe Steps for DPORA & CDSL Closing

3  Check i-net connection. If connection is successful then click on Send FA Closing Request otherwise check internet connectivity or port 8089 (This port should open.). 4. Send FA closing Request 2. Wait for the following message 3.Click on OK. 1. Click on it

4 Enter database name Enter Mobile no/ Ph. no Enter Contact person name Click on send request. Following message will display. Click on OK.  Following window will open.Fill all details and send request

5  Step4: After sending request, a DCR will be created automatically(if all details are valid ).  Step5: Now, FA Closing is allowed for that database.

6 1. Click on it to check the connection. 2.Click on OK.  Step6: After confirming to license department that database is allowed for closing, then  Run Update License Status from new licclient.exe  Click on Test-i net connection to check internet connection  If Connection was not successful then tell the Client to open the port 8089 Note-Before start the process of closing please make sure that no one doing work in CDSL10 (i.e.cdsl0910).

7  Click on update license status. 1. Enter database. 2. Select Auto Mode. 3. Click on Get Activation. Following message will display:

8  Step7: Run cdsl10.exe Select cdsl0910

9 Database Backup.  Step8: Take Backup of CDSL0910 before closing.  Select backup>> Backup of Database.

10 1. Select drive. 3.Click on start to take backup. 2. Enter file name as database name with current date (e.g. CDSL0910)

11  Data of CDSL0910 is Exporting here.

12  After exporting data there will be open a log file.

13  Back Up Database has been successfully completed. Click on Ok.

14  Step9: Create New Database for New Financial Year.  Follow the following steps to create database :  Go to start.  Select Program.  Select Oracle-OraHome92.  Select Configuration and Migration Tool.  Select Database Configuration Assistant.

15  Following window will open: Click on Next.

16 Select create a database.

17 Click on Next. Select General purpose.

18 Click on Next. Enter Database name.

19 Click on Finish. Select Share Server Mode.

20 Click on Ok.

21 Database creation is in progress.

22 Enter password in each field (e.g. s). It is mandatory. Click on Exit.

23  Step10: Open Sql.ini File from program Folder (i.e. CDSL10) and find [oragtwy] Block,  Add New Line:- Remotedbname=CDSL1011,@CDSL1011.

24  Step11: Run licclient.exe from program folder.

25  Tune New Database. Select Oracle Version Enter password (Password must be same as of Oracle database creation while installing oracle ) Enter Database Name Browse Backup datafile (i.e. CDSL0910 which was taken earlier before). Click on this button.

26  Data is imported here.

27  Check Status of data importing.

28  Step12: Run new utilcap10.exe from program folder. (i.e. CDSL10).  Enter Database name (e.g. CDSL0910) Click on connect.

29  Step13: Go to DP-Nsdl/Cdsl-closing-2 under FA Closing.

30  Select Segment-Cdsl.  Check the Database Name in both financial year. Click on Proceed.

31  Enter the Password. (i.e. metro) Click on Proceed.

32 * This is time consuming process and take time as per data size or system performance, Closing will be completed after successful message.

33 Click on it to check the connection. Click on Ok.  Step14: Run Licclient.Exe and test I-NET Connection. Message Should be Successful.

34  Click on Product Activation & License New Database after closing. (e.g. CDSL1011) Select New Database Restored/Fin. Closing. Select Product Type. Enter New database name. Enter database Id given by license department. Click on Get Activation. Following message will display.

35  Step15: Edit File Cofile.Dll in Program Folder i.e.CDSL10. Add New Line With New Year Entry (e.g. CDSL1011).

36  Step16: Double Click on CDSL10 Shortcut and login in cdsl0910 database as Default Login. Select cdsl0910 Click on Default

37  Run Create/Update FA Balance under Utility in cdsl0910 database.

38 Click on Generate. Click on OK.

39  Run Balance Carry Forward under Utility in cdsl0910 database.

40  Enter Database Name (i.e.CSL0910).  Select Export Closing Balance (Last Year Data). Click on it. Select Export Option.

41 Click on OK.  Database is Successfully connected to CDSL0910.

42  Enter File Name (i.e. BAL.TXT).  Export Bal.txt File from here. Click this button to Export File. Enter File Name.

43  Closing Balance File (i.e. BAL.TXT) has been successfully Exported. Click on OK.

44  Step17: Take Backup of CDSL0910 after closing.  Select backup>> Backup of Database

45 Select drive. Click on start to take backup. Enter file name as database name with current date (e.g. CDSL0910)

46  Data of CDSL0910 is Exporting here.

47  Check Status of data exporting

48  Backup of CDSL0910 has been successfully completed. Click on OK.

49  Step18: Double Click on CDSL10 Shortcut and login in cds1011 database as Default Login. Select cdsl1011 Click on Default

50  Run Balance Carry Forward under Utility in cdsl1011 database.

51  Enter Database Name (i.e.CSL1011).  Select Export Closing Balance (Last Year Data). Click on it. Select Import Option.

52 Click on Ok.  Database is Successfully connected to CDSL1011.

53  Enter File Name (i.e. BAL.txt).  Import Bal.txt File from here. Enter the file name (as export earlier) Click this button to Import File.

54  Step19: Run Create/Update FA Balance under Utility in cds1011 database.

55 Click on Generate. Click on OK.

56  Step20: Take Backup of CDSL1011.  Select backup>> Backup of Database

57 1. Select drive. 3.Click on start to take backup. 2. Enter file name as database name with current date (e.g. CDSL1011)

58  Data of CDSL1011 is Exporting here.

59  After exporting data there will be open a log file.

60  BackUp of CDSL1011 has been completed. Click on OK.


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