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WiFile Team DroidDev Krushi Desai Poonam Waral Rushabh Pasad.

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Presentation on theme: "WiFile Team DroidDev Krushi Desai Poonam Waral Rushabh Pasad."— Presentation transcript:

1 WiFile Team DroidDev Krushi Desai Poonam Waral Rushabh Pasad

2 WiFile – A Brief Recap  Create an application, where the user selects certain directory in his mobile device as public(accessible to other users).  Other users can connect to the device, browse the file list and download data from that device.

3 Scenario

4 The Protocol 1. Request File List 2. Send Public File List Sender Receiver 3. Send File Name 4. Send Requested File

5 Demonstration

6 Challenges  Unavailability of hardware – Tried using laptops with Android Operating System.  No Wi-Fi Direct support on the Android builds for the laptops – Tried using P2P commands from terminal emulator.  P2P commands work only for Atheros Driver! No Support for Broadcom Driver!

7 Future Scope  Implement security features – Authentication and Authorization.  Intuitive graphical user interface.  Allow support for parallel connections.

8 Any Questions / Comments / Suggestions?

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