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Module B: Identifying works User task = identify
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B2 Identifying works Also called “naming the work” Same as AACR2 “main entry” if the manifestation contains that work: Bibl. records: 100/110/111 + 240 100/110/111 + 245 130 245 Auth. records: 100/110/111 $a $t 130
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B3 Bibliographic or authority data? RDA does not prescribe if attributes about the work and the access points are to be recorded as bibliographic data or authority data LC policy: Always identify the work by giving the access point in the bibliographic record Sometimes identify the work by making a title or name/title authority record -- no changes from policy in DCM Z1
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B4 Core elements to distinguish If elements are being recorded to distinguish one work from another or from the name of a person, family, or corporate body, RDA gives choices for recording the elements (RDA 0.6.3): LC policy: always give as additions to the authorized access point LC policy: cataloger judgment to also give as separate elements in authority records
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B5 New identification of work? Changes requiring new identification of the work (RDA 6.1.3) Multipart monographs: if a change in media type/mode of issuance and also change in responsibility Serials: change in responsibility or major change in title Integrating resources: if change in responsibility or any change in title proper
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B6 Single-part monographs: new identification of work? Different creator – yes, a new work! Very different scope of content even if title proper/preferred title is the same – yes, a new work! New title proper and not revised: no, it’s a new manifestation! 240 field with original title May give bibliographic history note
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B7 Single-part monographs: new identification of work? Editions of a monograph – no, not a new work! Same title proper and revised: new expression (no 240 field) New title proper and revised: new expression (240 field with original title -- change from AACR2) May give unstructured description (MARC 500) or structured description (MARC 775 “Revision of:”) to relate to earlier expression – do not need to relate earlier expression to current expression
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B8 Authorized access points Forms created according to RDA chapter 6 See RDA appendix E and LCPS 1.7.1 for punctuation, etc. (AACR2 style carried forward) Used in bibliographic records to identify the work (1XX); also as 6XX and 7XX to express relationships to other works being cataloged Used in other authority records as 5XX fields (relationships to other works)
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B9 Already an NAR in LC/NAF? Change from RDA Test Until there are LC/PCC decisions about which AACR2 forms are valid for RDA, use established form (AACR2 or RDA) already in the LC/NAF Will be a mixture of AACR2 and RDA forms in bibliographic records Do not add an RDA form in 7XX in an AACR2 authority record LC will work with OCLC, SkyRiver, and others about updating access points
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B10 Language and script Title for a work in the language and script in which it appears in the resource – RDA 5.4 U.S.: in authorized and variant access points: apply the alternative to give a romanized form For some languages (see LCPS 5.4), can also give variant access points (MARC 4XX) in original language/script in authority records Other attributes for a work in RDA chapter 6 in language and script prescribed in instructions
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B11 Terminology Title of the work: “word, character, or group of words and/or characters by which a work is known” Preferred title for the work: For current implementations = the form of title used when constructing the authorized access point Variant title for the work: For current implementations = the form of title used when constructing a variant access point (aka “see references”)
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B12 Sources of information Sources for preferred title for the work (RDA For a work created after 1500: from resources embodying the work or reference sources -- looking for the most common form of the title (process usually results in using the title proper of the first manifestation received) For a work created before 1501: from modern reference sources
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B13 Sources of information If the evidence of modern reference sources is inconclusive for a work created before 1501, use (in this order of preference): a) modern editions b) early editions c) manuscript copies All other elements for works: any source
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B14 Authorized access points RDA 6.27.1-RDA how to put together the elements to construct an authorized access point [with links back to specific elements] Preferred title is the basis Authorized access point for the creator preceding the preferred title as applicable Additions to the preferred title as instructed under (no priority order)
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B15 Additions to the preferred title 6.3: form of work * 6.4: date of the work * 6.5: place of origin of the work * 6.6: another distinguishing characteristic of the work * * = if need to differentiate and/or
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B16 Preferred title for the work General instructions in RDA 6.2.1 and 6.2.2 Specific instructions: parts (RDA compilations (RDA some musical works (RDA 6.14.2) some legal works (RDA 6.19.2) some religious works (RDA 6.23.2) some official communications (RDA 6.26.2)
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B17 Preferred title: parts RDA for parts of works other than of musical or religious works Separate instructions for one part vs. two or more parts LC: apply Alternative to use “Selections” for some situations Error in RDA: last paragraph in applies only to serials and integrating resources (instruction will be corrected)
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B18 Authorized access point for part(s) of a work (RDA 6.27.2) Other than part(s) of musical or religious works Preferred title for part(s) preceded by authorized access point for the creator if appropriate Exceptions: add preferred title for part(s) to authorized access point for the work for non- distinctive titles, serials and integrating resources, television/radio programs, and consecutively- numbered parts
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B19 Preferred title: compilations of one person... (RDA Has compilation become known by a title? If not, use conventional collective title (doesn’t matter if title proper is distinctive): Complete works = use “Works” Complete works in a single form = use term chosen by cataloger Other compilations of two or more works in same form or different forms = add “Selections” to the appropriate conventional collective title (LC doesn’t apply Alternative)
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B20 Compilations: different creators Identify the compilation by its preferred title (RDA Either a title by which the compilation has become known, or The title proper of the manifestation
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B21 Compilations: different creators If the manifestation lacks a collective title proper: Don’t devise a title to use as a preferred title in MARC 130 field to identify the compilation (LC policy change from Test) If need a preferred title later (e.g., for a translation of the compilation), devise a title (see LCPS for Alternative in
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B22 Preferred title: musical works Choosing the title: RDA Omitting some information when recording the title: RDA Specific categories: RDA Part or parts: RDA Compilations: RDA CCC/LC/MLA group will be proposing some changes to instructions for musical resources.
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B23 Preferred title: some legal works (RDA 6.19.2) Different choices depending upon category of resource and LCPSs Laws: Modern: single law and compilations Ancient laws, etc. Treaties: Single treaty Compilations
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B24 Preferred title: religious works RDA 6.23.2 for works and parts of works More often using title from reference sources rather than title proper of first manifestation received More often using a commonly-known title Sometimes choosing a title in “language preferred by agency” (i.e., English for LC)
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B25 Preferred titles: parts of the Bible (RDA Refer to the Old and New Testaments by their spelled-out forms (not “O.T.” and “N.T.”) Omit the name of the testament in the preferred title for individual books or groups of books 130 $a Bible. $p New Testament not 130 $a Bible. $p N.T. 130 $a Bible. $p Genesis not 130 $a Bible. $p O.T. $p Genesis
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B26 Responsible entity related to work (i.e., Creator) RDA 0.6.3 and RDA 6.27.1: when creating the authorized access point for the work, precede the preferred title for the work, if appropriate, by the authorized access point representing the person, family, or corporate body responsible for the intellectual or artistic content of the work “Creator” = a relationship to the work, not an attribute of the work
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B27 Chapter 19: entity responsible for a work Sources (RDA 19.1.1): Preferred sources of information (RDA 2.2.2) Other statements appearing prominently in the resource Information appearing only in the content Other sources
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B28 Creator (RDA 19.2) Creator = “person, family, or corporate body responsible for the creation of a work” If more than one entity responsible for the work as a whole (that is, the work is a collaboration): The creator having principal responsibility named first in resource is required If principal responsibility not indicated, only the first-named creator is required
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B29 Creator (RDA 19.2) Reminder: changes from AACR2: No “rule of three” in RDA to identify the work only by its preferred title when there are more than three creators Performer of works by different composers presented in a sound recording not automatically considered a creator
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B30 Collaborative works For collaborative works, the creators may perform the same or different roles (RDA 19.2.1) Some common exceptions not to use the first- named creator (RDA most moving image resources (named by preferred title); some resources involving both persons and corporate bodies; most serials (per LCPS; proposal to revise RDA)
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B31 Example: creators with principal responsibility 100 $a Sweet, Martha. 245 $a Georgia history / $c by Martha Sweet and Linda Bruce with contributions by Gus Peterson and Marilee James. *700 $a Bruce, Linda. *700 $a Peterson, Gus. *700 $a James, Marilee. * number of access points for other creators: LC policy = cataloger judgment
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B32 Example: creators with no principal responsibility indicated 100 $a Brown, Susan. 245 $a Architecture / $c by Susan Brown, Melanie Carlson, Stephen Lindell, Kevin Ott, and Janet Wilson. *700 $a Carlson, Melanie. *700 $a Lindell, Stephen. *700 $a Ott, Kevin. *700 $a Wilson, Janet. * number of access points for other creators: LC policy = cataloger judgment
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B33 Compilations vs. collaborations Compilations of works by one creator = easy: identify by creator + preferred title (may be conventional collective title) More than one creator -- determine if compilation of works each by different creator or if a collaboration by creators working together: Compilation: identify by preferred title Collaboration: identify by principal or first- named creator + preferred title
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B34 Deciding if collaboration or compilation: clues If preferred source indicates who created what If table of contents, preface, program notes, home page indicates who created what If components in resource indicate who created what If nothing says who created what, assume collaboration If in doubt, assume collaboration
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B35 Corporate body as creator Categories of works given in RDA (similar to AACR2 21.1B2) -- not roles of bodies Includes government and religious officials for some categories of works Legislative hearings in category c) Corporate body takes precedence over a first-named person or family as creator
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B36 Differentiation of works LC policy: differentiate a work from another work with the same authorized access point* or from the name of a person, family, or corporate body All works (monographs, serials, and integrating resources) -- change from LC’s Test policy *applies to current implementation in MARC still relying on authorized access points; RDA says “from another work with the same title”
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B37 Differentiation of works Reminder: possible additions in RDA form, date, place of origin, other distinguishing characteristic (no priority order) See LCPS for guidelines and examples
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B38 Form of work (RDA 6.3) Scope = class or genre to which a work belongs -- no controlled vocabulary Access point: added in parentheses to preferred title for the work (subfielding will vary) 130 0# $a Ocean’s eleven (Motion picture)
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B39 Date of work (RDA 6.4) Scope = “earliest date associated with a work” Date work was created, first published, or released Access point: added to preferred title for the work (subfielding will vary) 110 2# $a Connecticut Commission on Children. 240 10 $a Annual report (2005)
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B40 Place of origin of the work (RDA 6.5) Scope = “country or other territorial jurisdiction from which a work originated” (includes local place) In authorized access point form (RDA ch. 16); an NAR is required Access point: added to preferred title for the work (subfielding will vary) 130 0# $a Renaissance history (Boston, Mass.) 245 00 $a Renaissance history : $b a re- examination.
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B41 Other distinguishing characteristic of the work (RDA 6.6) Scope = “a characteristic other than form of work, date of work, or place of origin of the work that serves to differentiate a work from another work or from the name of a person, family, or corporate body” Access point: added to the preferred title for the work (subfielding will vary) 130 #0 $a Research paper (JJ Society)
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B42 Elements for musical works More flexibility and expanded scope: Medium of performance (RDA 6.15) Numeric designation of a musical work (RDA 6.16) Key (RDA 6.17) If title is not distinctive, elements will be part of authorized access point If title is distinctive, elements can be included in separate fields of authority record if NAR is being made
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B43 Variant access points for works (RDA LC policy: cataloger judgment -- consider if important for user to find or identify (catalogers are users, too) May be based on a variant title May be just a preferred title if authorized access point is a name/preferred title or vice versa
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B44 New fields in MARC 21 authority format for works 046: Special coded dates $k: Beginning or single date created $l: Ending date created 370: Associated place $g: Place of origin of work LC policy: cataloger judgment to include these separate fields in authority records
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B45 New authority fields for works 380: Form of work 381: Other distinguishing characteristics of work or expression 382: Medium of performance 383: Numeric designation of a musical work (additional subfield sometime in 2012 for publisher) 384: Key
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B46 More information on new fields in the MARC 21 authority format LC policy for encoding information in MARC authority records: document R-5 NAR examples: document R-6 Examples folder for authority records on LC RDA site: LC Network Development and MARC Standards Office site:
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B47 More attributes of works In RDA Chapter 7 (Describing content) Function: to describe the content of the work, rather than to identify the work Not included in authorized access points To be discussed in module D (Describing content of works and expressions)
RDA at LC 2011 -- Module B48 Review Exercise #5: Determining creator Exercise #6: Identifying works Questions on identifying works?
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