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Chapter 1: Introduction to Science  I can list the steps of the scientific method  I can differentiate between a dependent and an independent variable.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 1: Introduction to Science  I can list the steps of the scientific method  I can differentiate between a dependent and an independent variable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 1: Introduction to Science  I can list the steps of the scientific method  I can differentiate between a dependent and an independent variable and know where they are plotted on a graph  I can explain the difference between a control, constant, and variable  I can write the symbols and abbreviations for metric prefixes  I can convert a measurement to another unit within the metric system  I can compare the three basic types of graphs (bar, line, circle)  I can use critical thinking skills to solve problems

2 Section 1 and 2

3 What is Science!!!??!?!?!  A subject for studying the natural world  A process that uses observation and investigation to gain knowledge about events in nature  Scientists learn more about these topics through  Investigations  Observations  Experiments  Models (Because things are too big, small, or dangerous to study themselves)

4 IMPORTANT: steps of the scientific method  1. State the Problem  2. Research and Gather Information  3. Form a hypothesis  4. Create procedures and directions for experiment  5. Test your hypothesis  6. Collect your data  7. Analyze your data  8. Form conclusion

5 Variables  A variable is something that can change in your experiment  Dependent variable- the variable changes according to the changes in the other variables  Think of this as the “the thing you can’t choose to change”  Independent variable- the variable you change to see how it will affect the dependent variable.  Think of this as it is “the thing you can choose to change”

6 Constant  A constant is a factor that does not change when other variables do change.  Ex) When setting up a trial for plant growth with four plants with different fertilizers, but the same soil and sunlight each time, your constant is the soil and the sunlight… it is always the same!

7 Control  A control is the standard by which test results can be compared.  Ex) When setting up a trial for plant growth with four plants with different fertilizers, but the same soil and sunlight each time, your control is the plant unfertilized.  Think of this as “the original”

8 Practice Problem #1!!!  Using the following picture, think of an experiment:  Problem: __________________________________  Hypothesis: ________________________________  Constant: _______________  Dep. Var.: ______________  Ind. Var.: _______________  Control: _________________

9 The Metric System IIn order for a measurement to make sense, it must include a number and a unit! TThe metric system is known as the International system of units AAbbr. = SI Units SSI measurement has a base system of 10

10 In Science Class…We Use the Metric System!!!  Partner Discuss: Why is this not a good way to measure?


12 Conversion Partner Practice!  Convert 10 kilometers to meters: _________________  Convert 53 centimeters to millimeters: _________________  Convert 200 grams to hectograms: _________________  Convert 3,000 milliliters to deciliters: _________________

13 Measuring Temperature  How hot or cold something is  Celsius scale is used in science  Kelvin is the SI unit of temperature  0 K is the coldest possible temperature, known as absolute zero  To find the Kelvin temperature add 273 to the Celsius temperature

14 Section 3

15 Graphing Your Data  Graphs are visual displays of information or data  Dependent Variable = Y Axis  Independent Variable = X Axis Independent variable Dependent variable

16 Types of Graphs  Line Graph – Shows change over time, shows relationships between objects  Bar Graph – Compares two or more items  Circle Graph – Shows percentage of a whole

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