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Interactive Timeline This presentation shows the step-by-step process students go through in Capstone® Unforgettable Business Learning © 2012 Capsim.

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Presentation on theme: "Interactive Timeline This presentation shows the step-by-step process students go through in Capstone® Unforgettable Business Learning © 2012 Capsim."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interactive Timeline This presentation shows the step-by-step process students go through in Capstone® Unforgettable Business Learning © 2012 Capsim Management Simulations, Inc.

2 School: Professor: Class: Section: Unforgettable Business Learning
© 2012 Capsim Management Simulations, Inc.

3 New Students Step 1 Go to: and click on top left corner
Register for Capstone Getting Started Practice Rounds Competition Rounds Comp-XM (if applicable) New Students Step 1 Go to: and click on top left corner Step 2 Click on: and complete your registration Step 3 Go to: and log in using your newly created User ID and Password © 2012 Capsim Management Simulations, Inc.

4 Register for Capstone Getting Started Practice Rounds Competition Rounds Comp-XM (if applicable) Step 1 Once logged in you will be taken to the Capsim Course Page. Click on the icon. Step 3 View the ‘Introductory Lesson’ Step 4 Step 2 On the left hand pane, click “Getting Started.” Click on the top bar and View the “Team Member Guide” (online or PDF version) © 2012 Capsim Management Simulations, Inc.

5 Comp-XM (if applicable)
Register for Capstone Getting Started Practice Rounds Competition Rounds Comp-XM (if applicable) Step 8 Click on and complete each subsection: Intro Perceptual Map 1 Perceptual Map 2 Demand Analysis Capacity Analysis Margin Analysis Consumer Report Step 5 Click on the top bar Step 6 Read the information given then click on to complete the rehearsal simulation and quiz. Step 9 Pick a Strategy Broad Cost Leader Broad Differentiation Niche Cost Leader Cost Leader w/ Product Lifecycle Focus Differentiation w/ Product Lifecycle Focus Step 7 Click on the top bar and use the link provided to join/form a company. © 2012 Capsim Management Simulations, Inc.

6 You have up to 8 Practice Rounds before your Competition Rounds.
Register for Capstone Getting Started Practice Rounds Competition Rounds Comp-XM (if applicable) You have up to 8 Practice Rounds before your Competition Rounds. Step 1 On the left hand pane, click “Decisions” and then “Capstone” from the drop-down. Step 2 Choose between the Web Version or Excel Version (We suggest the Web Version). © 2012 Capsim Management Simulations, Inc.

7 Comp-XM (if applicable)
Register for Capstone Getting Started Practice Rounds Competition Rounds Comp-XM (if applicable) Web Spreadsheet Excel Spreadsheet Download Excel sheet Enable Macros Click “Connect to Capsim Website” Log in w/ User ID & Password Click “Add-Ins” on menu bar Click “Decisions” Complete R&D, Marketing, Production, and Finance Decisions Click “Decisions” on top navigation bar Complete R&D, Marketing, Production, and Finance Decisions © 2012 Capsim Management Simulations, Inc.

8 Comp-XM (if applicable)
Register for Capstone Getting Started Practice Rounds Competition Rounds Comp-XM (if applicable) Once you complete the Practice Rounds, you can move on to the Competition Rounds. Accessing the Competition Rounds is exactly the same process as the Practice Rounds. Step 1 On the left hand pane, click “Decisions” and then “Foundation” from the drop-down. Step 2 Choose between the Web Version or Excel Version (We suggest the Web Version). © 2012 Capsim Management Simulations, Inc.

9 Comp-XM (if applicable)
Register for Capstone Getting Started Practice Rounds Competition Rounds Comp-XM (if applicable) Web Spreadsheet Excel Spreadsheet Download Excel sheet Enable Macros Log in w/ User ID & Password Click “Add-Ins” on menu bar Click “Decisions” Complete R&D, Marketing, Production, and Finance Decisions Click “Decisions” on top navigation bar Complete R&D, Marketing, Production, and Finance Decisions © 2012 Capsim Management Simulations, Inc.

10 ‘Comp-XM’ and ‘Comp-XM Basix’ Notes
Register for Capstone Getting Started Practice Rounds Competition Rounds Comp-XM (if applicable) Comp-XM is an optional Exam version of the simulation Two versions: Comp-XM Comp-XM Basix Professor will inform students on which version will be used if applicable Step 1 Log in a and click on the icon. Step 2 Complete each section under “Getting Started” on the left-hand pane. ‘Comp-XM’ and ‘Comp-XM Basix’ Notes Played by a single participant Consists of 4 playable rounds Board Query questions must be answered after each round Depending on Professor: a mini-quiz may need to completed before you start the simulation. Step 3 Continue onto “Decisions”, complete decisions for each round, and answer the “Board Query” Questions after each completed round. © 2012 Capsim Management Simulations, Inc.

11 Good Luck! Unforgettable Business Learning
© 2012 Capsim Management Simulations, Inc.

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