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2008/09 HKCEE English Language School-based Assessment Briefing Session October 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "2008/09 HKCEE English Language School-based Assessment Briefing Session October 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 2008/09 HKCEE English Language School-based Assessment Briefing Session October 2007

2 2 2008/09 HKCE ENGLISH LANGUAGE EXAMINATION ComponentWeightingDuration Public examPaper 1A Reading Paper 1B Writing Paper 2 Listening & Integrated Skills Paper 3 Speaking 20% 30% 15% 1 hour 1 h 30 mins 2 hours 12 minutes School-based assessment (Options for 08 Exam Only) 15%

3 3 SBA COMPONENT This consists of a reading/viewing programme where students need to: read/view three texts over the course of two years one each from three of the four categories: print fiction, print non-fiction, non-print fiction, non-print non-fiction take part in discussions with classmates on what they have read/viewed; and or make an individual presentation on the texts they have read/viewed and respond to their teacher’s questions assessment based on the student’s oral performance

4 4 Less reliance on a ‘one-off’ public oral exam Improves validity of oral English assessment Improves reliability of oral English assessment Beneficial backwash on teaching and learning Professional development for teachers which empowers them to become part of the assessment process RATIONALE FOR INTRODUCING SBA

5 5 SUMMARY OF SBA REQUIREMENTS RequirementsS4S5Total Number and type of texts to be read One or Two texts Three texts, one each from three of the following four categories (print fiction, print non- fiction, non-print fiction, non-print non-fiction) Number and timing of assessment tasks to be undertaken One task, group interaction or individual presentation, to be undertaken during the second term of S4 One task, group interaction or individual presentation, to be undertaken anytime during S5 Two tasks, each on a text from a different category Number, % and timing of marks to be reported One mark reported at end of S4 One mark reported at end of S5 Two marks, 15% of total English mark

6 6 MANDATORY ASSESSMENT CONDITIONS (1) Type of assessment task and type of text must be familiar to students Specific background knowledge and non-language skills not assessed Assessment must be conducted by the English subject teacher, with fellow students as audience Individual presentation tasks must allow students to produce a performance of at least 2-3 minutes Group interaction tasks must provide students with multiple opportunities to demonstrate interaction skills and make a balanced contribution

7 7 MANDATORY ASSESSMENT CONDITIONS (2) Students must not read aloud or take notes during the assessment but can refer to brief notes on a note card Students can be given more than one assessment a year, but are not allowed to repeat the same assessment task or engage in extensive rehearsal The teacher-assessor may interact with individual students during an assessment to ask questions to clarify and/or extend the student’s ideas and to probe the range and depth of their oral language skills

8 8 RECORD-KEEPING Three kinds of records need to be kept: Assessment record (signed by students and teachers) Class record (authenticated by SBA coordinator and principal) Audio or video recordings of a range of sample oral assessments - for teaching and learning as well as for professional sharing and standardisation - video preferred, audio acceptable

9 9 ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Pronunciation & Delivery phonology & intonation, voice projection & fluency Communicative Strategies body language, timing, asking/responding to questions Vocabulary & Language Patterns vocabulary, language patterns, & self-correction / reformulation Ideas & Organisation expressing information and ideas, elaboration on appropriate aspects of topic, organisation, questioning & responding to questions

10 10 SBA SUPPORT MATERIALS List of recommended texts, text selection guidelines, and notes on copyright and end-user agreement (July 05) FAQs (Apr 06) SBA Handbook (Sept 06, Sept 07) Introductory DVD and booklet ( Oct 06, Oct 07) Training CDRs (Jan 06) HKEAA website: (SBA Website) Website) HKU website on SBA: HKedCity SBA platform: (Forum)

11 11 INTRODUCTORY DVD & BOOKLET General introduction to SBA: principles and international practice SBA in the CE English Language examination: format, guidelines, assessment conditions Teaching, learning and assessment process Suggested teaching/learning activities Sample assessment tasks Assessment Criteria Samples of performances with commentaries Case studies: sample teaching, learning and assessment sequences Revised edition including student-oriented criteria

12 12 TRAINING CD-ROMS Domains of assessment and assessment criteria Examples with commentaries to illustrate task types and how scores are assigned Anchor sets with scores and commentaries to illustrate standards Anchor sets serve as ‘rulers’ with which to measure all students Instructions on conducting standardisation sessions with peer teachers

13 13 INTERNAL STANDARDISATION View training CDRs as a group Discuss and score Anchor Sets with reference to assessment criteria Review and score school performance samples and standardise marks School SBA coordinator to conduct at least one formal within-school standardisation meeting with S4 teachers in June 2008 Ensure accurate rank ordering within school

14 14 STANDARDISATION ACROSS SCHOOLS Group Coordinator to conduct inter-school meeting in March 08 (S5) and July 08 (S4) View samples of performance from different schools for professional sharing May adjust marks within school if necessary before submission of S4 marks to HKEAA by end of July 2008 Statistical moderation of SBA marks based on 2008 CE English Language exam results

15 15 SBA SUPPORT STRUCTURE S4 English teachers (~2000) School SBA coordinators (~530) Group coordinators each in charge of 15-20 schools (35) SBA Supervisor HKEAA managers and officers Advisory Committee comprising SBA consultants, CDI officers and HKEAA officers

16 16 SBA TRAINING Training sessions: Implementation issues – October 2007 (3 hours) Assessment criteria and standards – Nov 2007 Additional performance samples will be shown in Assessment Training Sessions in Nov 2007 PD courses: Oct 07 to Feb 08 Run by HKU and HKIED

17 17 PD Courses Available for Late Applicants (Run by HKU) Course Code DateDayTimeRemarks 601A26 Nov, 17 Dec 7 Jan, 28 Jan Mon2 – 5 pm 603A28 Nov, 19 Dec, 9 Jan, 30 Jan Wed5:30 – 8:30 pm 605A30 Nov, 21 Dec, 11 Jan, 1 Feb Fri2 – 5 pm 606A1 Dec, 15 Dec, 12 Jan, 2 Feb Sat (PM)2 – 5 pmAlmost full 606B1 Dec, 15 Dec, 12 Jan, 2 Feb Sat (AM)9:30 am – 12:30 pm Almost full

18 18 PD Courses Available for Late Applicants (Run by HKIED) Course Code DateDayTimeRemarks 601B26 Nov, 17 Dec, 7 Jan, 28 Jan Mon5:30 - 8:30 pm 604A29 Nov, 20 Dec, 10 Jan, 31 Jan Thur5:30 - 8:30 pm 605A30 Nov, 21 Dec, 11 Jan, 1 Feb Fri2:00 - 5:00 pm 605B30 Nov, 21 Dec, Jan 11, Feb 1 Fri5:30 - 8:30 pmAlmost full 606ADec 1, Dec 15, Jan 12, Feb 2 Sat (PM)2:00 - 5:00 pmAlmost full 606BDec 1, Dec 15, Jan 12, Feb 2 Sat (AM)9:30 am – 12:30 pm Almost full

19 19 ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS For details of the administrative arrangements, please refer to pages 19 and 20 of the SBA Handbook. Private candidates, S5 repeaters and transfer students Plagiarism and disqualification Declaration requirement

20 20 SBA System SBA System (SBAS) is an online mark submission platform for teachers. Enhancement work is in progress. Briefing sessions on the usage of the system will be organised in Jan 08. Deadline for the 08 CE marks submission will be 11 Apr 08. Deadline for the 09 CE marks submission will be 31 July 08.

21 21 - End -

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