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Nature & Influence of Intuition in Law Enforcement Research Question Drafting on the fly.

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Presentation on theme: "Nature & Influence of Intuition in Law Enforcement Research Question Drafting on the fly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nature & Influence of Intuition in Law Enforcement Research Question Drafting on the fly

2 Bryan Vila, Ph.D.18-May-152 Draft research questions Process: I’ve written a few questions as a point of departure But they’re tentative You propose changes after they run Copies sent to everyone for review

3 Bryan Vila, Ph.D.18-May-153 Research Question #1 How do police officers define what we’ve been calling ‘intuition’? What are the minimum number of dimensions of intuition? What are the measurable indicators of this concept? Is it reasonable to use this as a working definition in our research? If it does fit with existing literature? If it doesn’t?

4 Bryan Vila, Ph.D.18-May-154 Research Question #2 Do individual officers vary in their intuitive capabilities? In their propensity to use intuitive processes? In their reliance on intuition? In their beliefs about intuition: Useful vs. unprofessional? One tool in the kit vs. best/worst tool?

5 Bryan Vila, Ph.D.18-May-155 Research Question #3 If there are differences in individual officers’ intuitive capabilities, How much of the variation is innate? How much learned? How much acquired early in the life course? Pre-, peri-, post-natal Early abuse, etc.

6 Bryan Vila, Ph.D.18-May-156 Research Question #3a Are there relationships between self- reports about intuition and peer-reports about intuition? Prospectively vs. retrospectively?

7 Bryan Vila, Ph.D.18-May-157 Research Question #4 To what extent can officers’ intuitive capabilities be improved – or degraded? Through training? Mentoring? By educating them about decision making? Pre-employment screening?

8 Bryan Vila, Ph.D.18-May-158 Research Question #5 Do officers’ intuitive abilities and their propensity to use intuition vary with: Physical environment and type of task? E.g., tactical vs. investigative vs. interrogation Level of uncertainty? Perceived threat or stakes associated with decision? Mood or affective state? Time available for decision?

9 Bryan Vila, Ph.D.18-May-159 Research Question #6 How consistent (reliable) are officers’ intuitive abilities? Compared to previous performance? Across domains, threats, etc. from RQ #5

10 Bryan Vila, Ph.D.18-May-1510 Research Question #7 What are the correlates of intuitive performance? Personality dimensions Gender and sex Personal history Enthusiasm Confidence in abilities Physical state Fatigue, fear, anger, interest, … Various forms of intelligence?

11 Bryan Vila, Ph.D.18-May-1511 Research Question #8 How closely linked are intuition and inaccurate stereotypes? What do these findings tell us about hazards associated with intuitive thinking? Can links between intuition and stereotyping be changed? In a way that does not impair appropriate intuitive performance?

12 Bryan Vila, Ph.D.18-May-1512 Research Question #9 How much variation is there in individual ability to detect: Deception? Discontinuities? Other potential confounds to accurate decision making? Is this different from intuition?

13 Bryan Vila, Ph.D.18-May-1513 Research Question #10 What are the cues that trigger intuition? Do they vary between individuals, situations, domains, etc.? Do they vary depending on officers’ base levels of situational awareness?

14 Bryan Vila, Ph.D.18-May-1514 Research Question #11 Are the cues people report using to make intuitive decisions different from those they actually use? Face, voice, body language, Status markers (dress, posture, diction)

15 Bryan Vila, Ph.D.18-May-1515 Research Question 11a Can the triggers people report being associated with intuitive insight be measured physiologically? Could physiological indicators be used to sensitize

16 Bryan Vila, Ph.D.18-May-1516 Research Question #12 Comparability of various law enforcement occupations: Do the same dynamics apply for police patrol officers, investigators, customs officers, intelligence analysts, interrogators, undercover agents and investigators, …? Other first responders? Comparability between cops & crooks?

17 Bryan Vila, Ph.D.18-May-1517 Threats to validity? Denominator of threat perception? Examples: (maximum liklihood ratio, etc.) Number of Intuitive ‘Hits’ Number of Targets or Number of Correct Intuitive Hits Number of Incorrect Hits

18 Bryan Vila, Ph.D.18-May-1518 Generalizability How can we increase the generalizability of experimental studies of police intuition? Using field tapes, etc. Raising stakes for research subjects in simulated situations

19 Bryan Vila, Ph.D.18-May-1519 Research Methods What exemplary research designs and methods used in other studies can be replicated using police subjects? How can we best integrate research about police intuition with existing research in this area?

20 Bryan Vila, Ph.D.18-May-1520 An expert resource Kahnemann-lecture.pdf

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