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Zen & the art of mobile application strategy bryan maleszyk senior consultant, isobar north america/molecular.

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Presentation on theme: "Zen & the art of mobile application strategy bryan maleszyk senior consultant, isobar north america/molecular."— Presentation transcript:

1 zen & the art of mobile application strategy bryan maleszyk senior consultant, isobar north america/molecular

2 follow me: @BryanFromBoston

3 first: an idea

4 here are 9 recommendations to help. choosing a mobile application strategy can be challenging.

5 1 understand your users.

6 not a captive audience. Who they are. Where they will be. When they will be there.

7 Nikon Learn & Explore Amateur/new photographers Visual learners Brand-agnostic

8 2 be goal-oriented.

9 results- oriented design Yelp wants users to contribute reviews. Their app provides the ability to draft reviews while at a restaurant.

10 3 add value everyware.

11 mobicomp is changing the way we do some very fundamental things.

12 the many forms of ubiquitous computing are indistinguishable from the user’s perspective and will appear to a user as aspects of a single paradigm: everyware. - Adam Greenfield

13 it doesn’t take long for a user to forget about the medium and focus on the message.

14 mobile web app platform- specific app ?

15 mobile web app Easier to develop Location services Local data storage possible Build once, run (almost) everywhere

16 platform- specific app Rich media High quality graphics Offline access iPad?

17 4 design for mobility.



20 5 privacy, please.


22 6 be findable.

23 Your app here... Search

24 7 measure once. measure twice.


26 8 think big.

27 9 start small (and fail often).

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