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“Franklin D. Roosevelt’s greatest achievement was to make a more financially secure United States.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?

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Presentation on theme: "“Franklin D. Roosevelt’s greatest achievement was to make a more financially secure United States.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Franklin D. Roosevelt’s greatest achievement was to make a more financially secure United States.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?

2 Thesis Franklin D. Roosevelt’s greatest achievement was to make a more financially secure United States by pushing several acts through Congress by the New Deal which would eventually lead to the recovery of the economy of the country.

3 Historical Background
Franklin D. Roosevelt went into office during a difficult time period The Great Depression was the longest and deepest depression of the 20th century 1929-early 1940s Stock Market Crash of 1929

4 Body Paragraph 1 Social Security Act Created social security system
Provided for the needs of individuals and families who were in poverty Protected elderly, disabled, and ill Program was funded by payroll tax

5 Body Paragraph 2 Works Progress Administration Physical labor act
To increase the number of jobs Employed over 8.5 million people Railroads, bridges, roads, public buildings, public parks, airports

6 Body Paragraph 3 Civilian Conservation Corps (Roosevelt's Tree Army)
Public work relief program Was open to unmarried, U.S. citizens between the ages of 18 to 26 Physical labor Was considered one of the most enduring and successful of Roosevelt’s acts

7 Conclusion To conclude, FDR did an excellent job of trying to rebuild the economy of the country by making new acts that provided security and jobs for civilians.

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