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GERTAKIZUNAK AZTERTZEN Gertakizun baten inguruko txosten bat prestatzeko gida.

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Presentation on theme: "GERTAKIZUNAK AZTERTZEN Gertakizun baten inguruko txosten bat prestatzeko gida."— Presentation transcript:

1 GERTAKIZUNAK AZTERTZEN Gertakizun baten inguruko txosten bat prestatzeko gida

2 Gertakizun bat aztertzeko orduan, kontuan izan behar diren aspektuak: Protagonistak Protagonistak Kausak (bertakoak, epe luzera) Kausak (bertakoak, epe luzera) Garapena Garapena Ondorioak Ondorioak Kokapena (denboran eta espazioan) Kokapena (denboran eta espazioan)

3 Bakarkako lana edo taldeko lan bezala planteatu daiteke. Bakarkako lana edo taldeko lan bezala planteatu daiteke. Gertakizun konkretu bat aukeratu behar da (gerra bat, matxinada bat, iraultza bat,…) Gertakizun konkretu bat aukeratu behar da (gerra bat, matxinada bat, iraultza bat,…) honen inguruan txosten bat idatzi beharko da (ahozko edota ikusentzunezkoetaz baliatzen den aurkezpen batez lagunduta). honen inguruan txosten bat idatzi beharko da (ahozko edota ikusentzunezkoetaz baliatzen den aurkezpen batez lagunduta).

4 Lana burutzeko ondorengo gida erabil daiteke (gida honetan, goian aipaturiko aspektu desberdinak lantzeko pausoak azalduko dira). 1. pausoa: informazio bilketa. 1. pausoa: informazio bilketa. aurretik emandako puntu batzuen inguruan informazioa bildu: gertakizun, guda, bake itun, matxinada,… aurretik emandako puntu batzuen inguruan informazioa bildu: gertakizun, guda, bake itun, matxinada,… hauei buruzko informazioa biltzean datak eta parte hartzaileak/protagonistak ere jaso beharko dituzte. hauei buruzko informazioa biltzean datak eta parte hartzaileak/protagonistak ere jaso beharko dituzte. Informazio bilketa hau gidatua izan daiteke (behar dituzten liburu eta Internet helbideak emanez) edo librea (beraiek bilatu behar dute informazio guztia bere kontura). Informazio bilketa hau gidatua izan daiteke (behar dituzten liburu eta Internet helbideak emanez) edo librea (beraiek bilatu behar dute informazio guztia bere kontura). Informazio hau bildu ondoren, ordenatu beharko dute: Informazio hau bildu ondoren, ordenatu beharko dute: datei jarraituz ardatz batean kronologikoki ordenatu datei jarraituz ardatz batean kronologikoki ordenatu aipaturiko tokiak garaiko mapa batean kokatu aipaturiko tokiak garaiko mapa batean kokatu labur gertakizun bakoitzaren esanahia azaldu. labur gertakizun bakoitzaren esanahia azaldu.

5 2. pausoa: txostenaren idazketa. Txostenak ondoko antolaketa jaraitu beharko du. 2. pausoa: txostenaren idazketa. Txostenak ondoko antolaketa jaraitu beharko du. Sarrera (parrafo batean ze lan egin duten eta zertaz idatziko duten labur azaldu) Sarrera (parrafo batean ze lan egin duten eta zertaz idatziko duten labur azaldu) Gertakizunaren azalpena: Gertakizunaren azalpena: Kausak (urrunekoak eta bertakoak) Kausak (urrunekoak eta bertakoak) Protagonistak (zertan hartzen dute parte eta zergatik) Protagonistak (zertan hartzen dute parte eta zergatik) Garapena (ardatz kronologikoa hemen azaldu daiteke) Garapena (ardatz kronologikoa hemen azaldu daiteke) Ondorioak (epe motzera eta luzera) Ondorioak (epe motzera eta luzera) Ondorioak (ideia nagusiak laburbildu, gertakizunaren garrantzia bere kontestuan identifikatu…) Ondorioak (ideia nagusiak laburbildu, gertakizunaren garrantzia bere kontestuan identifikatu…)

6 3. Eranskinak: ardatz kronologikoa, mapa, lana egiteko erabili diren iturrien aipamena (internet, liburu, entziklopedia…). 3. Eranskinak: ardatz kronologikoa, mapa, lana egiteko erabili diren iturrien aipamena (internet, liburu, entziklopedia…). 4. pausoa: txostenak behean aipatzen diren puntu guztiak lantzen dituela ziurtatu. 4. pausoa: txostenak behean aipatzen diren puntu guztiak lantzen dituela ziurtatu.

7 “THE THIRTY YEARS WAR”: TEAMWORK Your team should carry out a research on the Thirty Years War. You are expected to write a brief essay on the causes, development and consequences of this event, using the points mentioned below as guide. Your team should carry out a research on the Thirty Years War. You are expected to write a brief essay on the causes, development and consequences of this event, using the points mentioned below as guide. 1) You should first find information about those points (find their date and main characteristics, explanation of their significance in the context of the Thirty Years War, information about protagonists and their role in these events...) and then include this information in your essay. 1) You should first find information about those points (find their date and main characteristics, explanation of their significance in the context of the Thirty Years War, information about protagonists and their role in these events...) and then include this information in your essay. Phases of the war (find the dates of each phase and organize them chronologically in a time-line):French WarDanish WarBohemian WarSwedish War Phases of the war (find the dates of each phase and organize them chronologically in a time-line):French WarDanish WarBohemian WarSwedish War Participants (try to organize the antagonists in two main blocks):Sweden, German Catholic Princes, Spanish Habsburgs, United Provinces, German Protestant Princes, France, Austrian Habsburgs, Denmark and England Participants (try to organize the antagonists in two main blocks):Sweden, German Catholic Princes, Spanish Habsburgs, United Provinces, German Protestant Princes, France, Austrian Habsburgs, Denmark and England Events, battles and peace treaties (you have three tasks: 1) find their dates and organize them in the time- line you made for the phases of the war, 2) locate the places mentioned on a map of Europe during the Thirty Years War and 3) briefly explain the importance of each of these events): Events, battles and peace treaties (you have three tasks: 1) find their dates and organize them in the time- line you made for the phases of the war, 2) locate the places mentioned on a map of Europe during the Thirty Years War and 3) briefly explain the importance of each of these events): Treaty of Osnabrück Battle of Breitenfeld Peace of WestphaliaTreaty of the PyreneesBattle of Jankau Defenestration of PragueFirst battle of NördlingenBattle of Rocroi Treaty of WestphaliaBattle of White MountainBattle of StadtlohnTreaty of LübeckTruce of UlmBattle of LützenTreaty of MünsterBattle of CompiégneSecond battle of Nördlingen Treaty of Osnabrück Battle of Breitenfeld Peace of WestphaliaTreaty of the PyreneesBattle of Jankau Defenestration of PragueFirst battle of NördlingenBattle of Rocroi Treaty of WestphaliaBattle of White MountainBattle of StadtlohnTreaty of LübeckTruce of UlmBattle of LützenTreaty of MünsterBattle of CompiégneSecond battle of Nördlingen Protagonists (Mention the country to which the following people belonged and the side on which they fought during the Thirty Years War; then explain the role they played in the war): Cardinal Mazarin Ferdinand II Holy Roman EmperorPrince de Condé Philip IV of SpainAmbrogio SpinolaChristian IV of DenmarkGustaf II Adolf of SwedenCardinal RichelieuAlbrecht von WallensteinLouis XIII of FranceCount of TillyLouis XIV of France Protagonists (Mention the country to which the following people belonged and the side on which they fought during the Thirty Years War; then explain the role they played in the war): Cardinal Mazarin Ferdinand II Holy Roman EmperorPrince de Condé Philip IV of SpainAmbrogio SpinolaChristian IV of DenmarkGustaf II Adolf of SwedenCardinal RichelieuAlbrecht von WallensteinLouis XIII of FranceCount of TillyLouis XIV of France

8 3) Check-list (make sure that your essay contains the following information): 3) Check-list (make sure that your essay contains the following information): Introduction Introduction Antagonists and causes of the war Antagonists and causes of the war Development of the war (different phases with the main events included) Development of the war (different phases with the main events included) Consequences of the war (peace treaties and decisions taken there) Consequences of the war (peace treaties and decisions taken there) Your team-work should include a time-line of the main events and a map where you locate those events. Your team-work should include a time-line of the main events and a map where you locate those events. Bibliography and sources (you should specify the books and web-pages you have used for this team-work) Bibliography and sources (you should specify the books and web-pages you have used for this team-work)

9 2) Writing: The essay should be organised according to the following structure: 2) Writing: The essay should be organised according to the following structure: Introduction (one paragraph in which you explain what you will write about) Introduction (one paragraph in which you explain what you will write about) Draw a time-line with the main events mentioned in your essay (mark the different phases of the war and include the years of the main battles, events and peace treaties) Draw a time-line with the main events mentioned in your essay (mark the different phases of the war and include the years of the main battles, events and peace treaties) Antagonists (which countries are involved in this struggle? explain the reasons each country could have to participate in this war) (you can include here the role of some of the protagonists mentioned below) Antagonists (which countries are involved in this struggle? explain the reasons each country could have to participate in this war) (you can include here the role of some of the protagonists mentioned below) The events (the role of protagonists can be included here too, depending on their connection to the events). You should mention: The events (the role of protagonists can be included here too, depending on their connection to the events). You should mention: Causes (try to distinguish between long term and immediate) Causes (try to distinguish between long term and immediate) Development Development Consequences (mention here the peace treaties and what is decided in them) Consequences (mention here the peace treaties and what is decided in them)

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