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Gilad Marcus, Arie Zigler and Lazar Friedland

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1 Molecular excitation by chirped laser radiation in ladder climbing and autoresonance regimes
Gilad Marcus, Arie Zigler and Lazar Friedland Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel

2 Outlines for the Lecture
Definition of the problem Ladder climbing and the Auto-Resonance concepts Ladder-climbing experiment on HF molecule Radiation source for Excitation of the molecule

3 Basics of Auto-Resonance
Harmonic Oscillator Anharmonic Oscillator

4 Pendulum frequency Vs. amplitude
w/w0 [q/p]

5 How to excite nonlinear systems into high energy ?
Changing the drive frequency will keep it in resonance. Pendulum frequency Vs. amplitude [q/p]

6 How to excite nonlinear systems into high energy ?
Changing the drive frequency will keep it in resonance. but we also have to continually adjust the phase

7 Few method to excite nonlinear oscillator
Feedback control. (requires a real time feedback) Exact tailoring of the force. (requires pre-knowledge of the system) Ladder-climbing & autoresonance

8 Auto-Resonance The drive frequency is slowly changed
(slow chirp) The oscillator is automatically phase locked (provided that the force exceed a certain threshold) The energy of the oscillator is a function of the drive frequency

9 Threshold-chirp relation

10 Auto-Resonance simulation
wdrive=w0-at Amplitude, a Phase Mismatch F { L. Friedland et al. Phys. Plasmas. 5 (645) }

11 Ladder climbing in a quantum systems
Morse Potential D Energy levels in Morse potential. Ladder of energy levels with decreasing gaps.

12 Two levels with constant frequency drive
constant frequency drive force

13 Two level with chirped drive
Efficient conversion when Ts / TR=2.8 Ts / TR=1 chirped drive force time

14 The validity of the two level approximation
Which means – the width of resonance is small enough to include only two levels

15 Characteristic times

16 The limit between quantum mechanics and classicality
In terms of the three characteristic times:

17 The condition for efficient ladder-climbing
In terms of the three characteristic times:

18 Efficient classical autoresonance
. In term of the characteristic times:

19 P1-P2 parameters Quantum limit: Efficient transfer between 2 levels:
Efficient Autoresonance:

20 P1-P2 parameters .

21 Ladder climbing-below threshold

22 Ladder climbing-above threshold

23 Autoresonance-below threshold

24 Autoresonance-above threshold

25 Design consideration for experiment

26 Experiment with HF molecule: requirements from the radiation source
In the IR regime To bring the population to the 4th level Ladder climbing threshold

27 Theoretical curve of phase matching for PPKTP with period of 27
Theoretical curve of phase matching for PPKTP with period of 27.1m pumped by wide-band Ti:Sapphire Laser Idler spectrum 2-3m Signal spectrum 1-1.5m

28 The Experiment Collimated Ti:Sapphire

29 The Signal & Laser spectrum
Signal spectrum O Non collinear --- Collinear

30 Delay as a function of wave-length

31 Chirp measurement

32 IR specifications Bandwidth – 25% Pulse length – 185 psec
Spot size 60m x 700m Energy – up to 200mJ

33 P1-P2 parameters - Witte et al. – Cr(CO) 6 - Maas et al. - NO
- Our experiment - HF .

34 Demonstration of ladder climbing on HF molecule.

35 IR spectrum

36 HF experiment results Standard deviation Avg. Number of photons
Conditions: 4.6 11.16 10 torr HF 0.7 0.5 10 torr Air 0.57 0.33 Continually evacuated 1.1 1.5 10 torr HF & filtered spectra

37 Summary We have shown theoretically a smooth transition from ladder-climbing to autoresonance We have generated a chirped, ultra wideband radiation source in the IR We have demonstrated ladder-climbing on HF molecule

38 Plans for the future Improving the optics to allow us to be above the threshold Check the transition from quantum-mechanics to classicality. Other molecules

39 The end

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