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LADDER SAFETY Step Right Up!. Shemp! Larry, Moe, and Curly Joe.

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Presentation on theme: "LADDER SAFETY Step Right Up!. Shemp! Larry, Moe, and Curly Joe."— Presentation transcript:

1 LADDER SAFETY Step Right Up!

2 Shemp!

3 Larry, Moe, and Curly Joe

4 Laurel and Hardy

5 On Top of His Game!

6 Can’t Go Any Higher!

7 First Place for creativity!

8 What are friends for?

9 Unsafe At Any Step!

10 Second Place For Creativity

11 What A Reach!

12 Whataya Mean This Ain’t Safe?

13 I’m So Stupid That I Just Can’t Stand Myself Sometimes!

14 It’s Okay, I’m Getting Hazardous Duty Pay.

15 Hey Cheapskate, Just Buy A New One!

16 Look At This From Another Viewpoint

17 Not Quite Up To OSHA Standards

18 Look At This From Another Viewpoint

19 Yikes!

20 Here, Let Me Give You A Hand!

21 A little trick that I learned just today!

22 Ladder Safety Fact 21

23 Ladder Safety Fact 11

24 This Just Ain’t The Way To Treat A Step Ladder.

25 I Guess It’s Okay As Long As No Body Is Looking!


27 Bucketman 1

28 Bucketman 2

29 Bucketman 3

30 This Rung’s For You!

31 Scaffold Safety Fact 12

32 Scaffold Safety Fact 14

33 Scaffold Safety Fact 29

34 Duh?

35 Dumb and Dumber

36 Who’s The Competent Person?

37 Who’s The Competent Person Here?

38 Hey, Who Says You Need A Ladder!

39 This Is Nothing Short Of A Nightmare!

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