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Snakes & Ladders This game was invented by Hindus to teach their children how to reach Moksha. Can you guess how ?

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Presentation on theme: "Snakes & Ladders This game was invented by Hindus to teach their children how to reach Moksha. Can you guess how ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Snakes & Ladders This game was invented by Hindus to teach their children how to reach Moksha. Can you guess how ?

2 Achieving Moksha: Snakes & Ladders To reflect on how good karma and bad karma bring closer to, or further away from, Moksha Key Word test: write the definition Atman Brahman Karma Re-incarnation Avatar Moksha The soul, an indestructible part of Brahman Universal spirit present in everything Good or bad Actions, which have consequences The atman becomes re- born into a new life form A different form of a particular god Freedom from re- birth

3 Snakes and Ladders Check the meaning of these with your partner. Which of these KARMAS are BAD (snakes) and which are GOOD (ladders) ? 1.Truthfulness 2.Theft 3.Praying 4.Sharing 5.Vulgarity 6.Debt 7.Greed 8.Helping someone 9.Thoughtfulness 10.Lust

4 Snakes are found at the following squares. BAD KARMA 41 is for Disobedience 44 for Arrogance 49 for Vulgarity 58 for Lying 62 for Drunkenness 69 for Debt 84 for Anger 92 for Greed 99 for Lust 100999897969594939291 81828384858687888990 80797877767574737271 61 62 62 drunke nness6364656667686970 60595857565554535251 41424344454647484950 40393837363534333231 21222324252627282930 20191817161514131211 12345678910 2. LADDERS: Now look back at your notes about the 4 paths to reach moksha. From your notes, add 8 things you do (2 for each of the 4 paths) that would help you reach Moksha. Eg path of devotion – you would PRAY. Make the length of the ladder reflect the goodness of the action. 1. SNAKES: Write in the bad karmas (below) in their boxes. Add in 3 more of your own. Then draw a snake’s tail going DOWN to a square of your choosing. Make the length of the snake reflect the badness of the action. **When you have finished, colour / shade in the squares which have a snake’s heads in them or a ladder bottom. Wrtie BIRTH in No 1 and MOKSHA in No 100. Write a set of instructions for how to play the game.

5 3 things that.. Bring you closer to Moksha Bring you further away from Moksha

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