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Literacy by The Education Trust. The challenge. Unlike mathematics, secondary literacy is not a discipline. It is “homeless” in that it belongs to everyone.

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Presentation on theme: "Literacy by The Education Trust. The challenge. Unlike mathematics, secondary literacy is not a discipline. It is “homeless” in that it belongs to everyone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Literacy by The Education Trust

2 The challenge. Unlike mathematics, secondary literacy is not a discipline. It is “homeless” in that it belongs to everyone and no one. Literacy is used in secondary classrooms, but it is not taught in a systematic way.

3 The opportunity. Having a set of common standards also lays the groundwork for developing assessments aligned with those college-ready standards and for developing teaching tools that are aligned with both the standards and the assessments. It is a mountain of work, but it’s work that is essential for creating a system of education that is cohesive and coherent. - Vicki Phillips & Carina Wong

4 The plan. While the English language arts classroom has often been seen as the proper site for literacy instruction, this document acknowledges that the responsibility for teaching such skills must also extend to other content areas.

5 The tool. Literacy by Design (LBD) is a user-friendly, “plug-and-play” instructional spine built on the Common Core Standards. LBD helps teachers develop (and teach!) literacy-saturated courses across core content areas. Courses that prepare students for college.

6 How does LBD work?



9 Learning Goal: Write persuasive essay to academic audience in response to reading in content area (ELA, social studies, and science) Literacy by Design L1 Persuasive Essay Teaching Task L1 Persuasive Essay Teaching Task

10 Literacy by Design Common Core Literacy Standards (Persuasive Level 1) Reading 2. Support or challenge assertions about the text by citing evidence in the text explicitly and accurately. 10. Analyze how specific details and larger portions of the text contribute to the meaning of the text. Writing 2. Gather the information needed to build an argument, provide an explanation, or address a research question. 4. Support and illustrate arguments and explanations with relevant details, examples, and evidence.

11 Template prompt (no content): After reading__________ (topic/issue), write an essay that argues your position, pro or con, on___________ and support your position with evidence from your readings. Be sure to examine competing arguments. As well, give examples from past or current events or issues to illustrate and clarify your position.

12 L1 Template prompt (with content): After reading a collection of poems, write an essay that argues your position on Howe’s statement that “a poem is no place for an idea” and support your position with evidence from your reading. After reading about the civil rights era, write an essay that argues your position, pro or con, on integrating schools and support your position with evidence from your readings. After reading about the role of photosynthesis in nature, write an essay that argues your position, pro or con, on the value of protecting the rainforests and support your position with evidence from your readings.

13 Literacy by Design Flexible use of prompt for instruction: Teacher can vary level of demand as instructional strategy. Task: Select level 1,2, or 3 task Reading: Vary text complexity, genre, length, familiarity, etc. Writing: Vary exemplars, length, etc. Pacing: Vary workload and time allowed to complete

14 Literacy by Design Scoring System Generic Rubric Based on common core standards Exemplar Student Work Further clarify rubric

15 The Instructional Module The Instructional Ladder provides teacher support for creating strong lesson plans that go along with the teaching task. Instructional notes provide additional teacher supports that go along with the instructional ladder. Acceleration modules focus on specific core skills students need to succeed on the assignment, with teacher supports for key instructional strategies.

16 If needed, administer pre-test Read ______ on ______ and identify the relevant ideas for each in your notes.

17 If needed, administer pre-test Establish a claim and develop reasons in a short response.

18 If needed, administer pre-test Outline claim, reasons and supporting evidence with citations and references.

19 If needed, administer pre-test Write an initial draft.


21 English/ language arts Reading Acceleration Etc… American Studies (ELA & SS together) Reading Acceleration English/ language arts College prep composition Etc… American Studies (ELA & SS together) College prep composition English/ language arts Reading Acceleration Etc… American Studies (ELA & SS together) Reading Acceleration English/ language arts College prep composition Etc… American Studies (ELA & SS together) College prep composition English/ language arts Reading Acceleration Etc… American Studies (ELA & SS together) Reading Acceleration English/ language arts College prep composition Etc… College prep composition English/ language arts Reading Acceleration Etc… American Studies (ELA & SS together) Reading Acceleration English/ language arts College prep composition Etc… American Studies (ELA & SS together) College prep composition Next steps?

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