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Presented by: Blaine W. Rabe’ Division Manager for the Property Insurance Association of Louisiana.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: Blaine W. Rabe’ Division Manager for the Property Insurance Association of Louisiana."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: Blaine W. Rabe’ Division Manager for the Property Insurance Association of Louisiana

2  Have an Organized Department with defined boundaries recognized by the AHJ and one person responsible for operations. Also be organized on a permanent basis under applicable state or local laws.  Must have at least 4 firefighters responding to working fires  Minimum training of at least 2 hours every 2 months.  Have a method for alarm notification and no delay in receipt of this alarm.  One piece of apparatus meeting N.F.P.A.1901 Standard.  The apparatus shall be housed to provide protection from the weather.

3  Communications (10 Points)  Fire Department (50 Points)  Water Supply (40 Points)

4  Commercial & Residential Property must be within 7 road miles of a recognized fire station considered in that graded areas fire rating to get the fire rating of the graded area they are in. If over mileage, Class 10 rates apply.  Commercial Property must have a standard fire hydrant within 1,000 feet as hose can be laid from the engine. If a area is receiving Water Hauling Credit, this requirement is waived.

5  PIAL will conduct community evaluation of a fire department on a 5-year cycle.  If the class rating changed 2 or more classes, we will re-evaluate this area in 2 to 3 more years to assure the level of fire protection.  Each year PIAL will conduct a minimum of 4 “random” evaluations among all fire departments in the state.

6  Specific and Class Rated Properties have a Needed Fire Flow of 3,500 G.P.M. or less as determined in this calculation.  Individual Rated Properties have a Needed Fire Flow of 4,000 G.P.M. or larger and may receive a poorer fire rating based on it’s on merits.

7  This section is designed to evaluate the capability of the communications center.  NFPA 1221 Standard should be your reference standard for the communications center.  Three sections reviewed ◦ Facilities to report alarms ◦ Operators on duty at the communications center ◦ Facilities to dispatch fire companies to alarms

8  Operators ◦ Number of Operators on Duty-Performing Communications procedures. ◦ NFPA 1221 Standard ◦ Performance Based Practices ◦ Call Volume Matrix

9  Dispatch Circuits ◦ Evaluation of Dispatch Circuits  Notification  Radio Traffic Recorded  Receiving Notification  Emergency Power

10  The Fire Department Section of the FSRS deals with the operations of the Fire Department, including: ◦ Apparatus and Equipment  Existing and Reserve Apparatus ◦ Pump Capacity  Total amount of G.P.M. of all Engine Companies ◦ Fire Station Locations  Engine Companies = 1 ½ Road Mile Coverage and Ladder/Service Companies = 2 ½ Road Mile Coverage and if additional Engines and Ladder/Service Companies are needed and where. ◦ Manpower  On-Duty at the Fire Station and volunteer/off duty response for firefighting. ◦ Training  Fire Suppression training conducted by the department.

11  Engine Company Credit is considered as carried equipment and the use of the carried equipment.  The point value per engine is based upon the Needed Engine Companies against Existing Engine Companies Ratio.

12  One reserve engine is needed for up to 8 existing engine companies in the graded area.  You can actually get credit in this section without having a Reserve Engine if you have at least 2 Existing Engine Companies.  You can share a Reserve Engine Company between 2 graded areas. Requirements must be met and a written service agreement.

13  This is based on the Basic Fire Flow ◦ Maximum pump capacity for any graded area is 3,500 G.P.M. ◦ Apparatus Included  Existing Engine Companies  Reserve Engine Companies  Pumps on other apparatus (Ladder Companies, etc.) ◦ Percentage of credit for each can be limited to a minimum of 50% based on type and annual pump test data.

14  Needed Ladder/Service Companies are established by the greater of 2 methods. ◦ Distribution ◦ Needed Fire Flow/building Height  All districts need at least 1 Service Company as a minimum.  Is a Ladder Company Needed? And how many? ◦ Any combination of 5 or more buildings with a NFF of 4,000 GPM, or 35’ in height to the eaves (3-story) ◦ Height = Minimum is 50’ and Maximum is 100’

15  One reserve is needed for up to every 8 existing service or ladder companies in the graded area.  You can actually get credit in this section without having a Reserve Service/Ladder if you have 2 Existing Service/Ladder Companies  You can share a Reserve Service/Ladder Company between two graded areas. Additional info. Is needed to allocated proper credit.

16  Apparatus – Apparatus Usage ◦ Proper Apparatus for each response  Structural Alarms and or Fires ◦ Documentation of Proper Apparatus  Dispatch  Arrival / Cancellation ◦ Documentation of Response Disposition  Personnel to Apparatus Connection  Narrative Explanation

17  This is based on how much if the graded area is covered within 1 ½ road miles for engines and 2 ½ road miles for ladder/service. ◦ Percentage of Coverage is calculated by  Hydrants  Total Road Miles  The number of existing companies at their full equipment value is used as the denominator in this formula.  60% of the credit is Engine, 40% is Ladder/Service

18  There is no maximum limit to these points  For 15 points, the graded area must have on each apparatus the numbers below ◦ Engine = 6 firefighters (24/7) ◦ Ladder = 6 firefighters (24/7) ◦ Service = 3 firefighters (24/7)  On-Duty credit is 1 for 1 (Averaged over a 12 month period)  Volunteer credit is 3 for 1 (Avg. over up to 20 working fires)  Credit can be increased to 6 for 1 due to inadequate record keeping.

19  Rosters should include – ◦ Names ◦ Ranks (Positions) ◦ Length of Time ◦ Special Comments ◦ Remember Grading Criteria – FF/DR/NDR/OFF/Rookie  Roster Management should be continuous

20  Training is divided into 2 sections by the Rating.  Points have to be awarded in both sections.  Training is one of the most confusing area.  Category A & B  THEY ARE SEPARATE!

21  Category A – Training Facilities & Use ◦ Training Facilities = 35 Total Points ◦ Drills (Training Use)  14 Total Drills per Year  Multi-Company Drill 40%  Single Company Drill 40%  Night Drill 20%

22  Drills are counted – 1 drill = 3 hour classroom or outdoor fire suppression training session.  Eight drills can count for the full 14 if the appropriate type of drill was conducted. ◦ Single Drills counts as a Single Drill ◦ Multi counts as a Single and Multi Company Drill ◦ Single-Night counts as a Single and Night Drill ◦ Multi-Night counts as a Single, Multi and Night Drill.

23  Drill Tower8 Points ◦ 2 to 4 Stories Needed (based on area)  No Bldgs. more than 3 stories(2 Story)  1 to 4 Bldgs that are 3 stories(3 story)  Ladder Company Required(4 story)  Fire Building8 Points ◦ Constructed to NFPA 1402 Standards  Flammable Liquid Pit5 Points ◦ Video is acceptable where a Federal, State or Local Ordinance deems you cannot burn.

24  Training Area(10 Points) ◦ 2 Acres suitable paved training area for Drills and Driver Training.  Parking Lots, Streets, Etc.(10 Points) ◦ If the department does not have a Training Facility, but has utilized these items for drills, this item will be credited.

25  Training Library(2 Points) ◦ Fire Protection Handbook ◦ IFSTA Manuals ◦ Fire Chief’s Handbook ◦ Managing Fire Service  Slide & Movie Projectors / Props(2 Points) ◦ Slide/Movie/PowerPoint Projectors ◦ Hydrant Cut-A-Way ◦ Pump Cut-A-Way

26  Company Training (25 Points) ◦ 20 hours per member per month ◦ Daily/Monthly Training @ Fire Station Fire Suppression Related  Officer Training(15 Points) ◦ 4-3 hours classes (12 hours per officer per year) ◦ Must be Leadership related (Reference NFPA 1021 Standard)  Driver Training(2 Points) ◦ 12 hours per driver per year ◦ Driving fire/ladder truck and pump training

27  New Driver Training(2 Points) ◦ 40 hours per new driver ◦ Must be specific to all new driver/operators  Radiological Monitoring(1 Point) ◦ 3 hours per member per year  Recruit Training(5 Points) ◦ 240 hours for new members  Pre-Fire Planning(15 Points) ◦ All commercial bldgs must be pre-planned in accordance with NFPA 1620 Standard.

28  Total number of IFSAC Certifications for the grading year and prior 2 years. ◦ Limited to 1 per member  A maximum of 3 points can be awarded.  This “Bonus Credit” exists within the 9 total points to be allocated for training.

29  Supply Works – Capacity of Total System ◦ Maximum Daily Consumption ◦ Tower Capacities ◦ Pumping Capacities  Fire Flows – Capacity of Water Mains ◦ Standard Hydrant Flows  Distribution of Hydrants – availability ◦ 250 G.P.M. up to 1,000 G.P.M. ◦ LDH Requirements

30  Calculating Maximum Daily Consumption-The Rating Process includes the exclusion of “Normal Use” water from your water system to determine water available for “Fire Fighting” ◦ Max. Daily Consumption – Max. total amount during any 24 hour period in a 3 year period. ◦ Estimated Calculation – Average Daily Consumption multiplied ay 150%. ◦ American Water Works Association – Manual is reference for water supply section of the evaluation.

31  Once the Max. Daily Consumption is removed from the available water supply, the remaining water is calculated to a G.P.M. figure to determine fire flow duration periods. ◦ Duration Periods of sustained supply:  Up to 2,500 G.P.M. = 2 Hours  3,000 G.P.M. to 3,500 G.P.M. = 3 Hours  4,000 G.P.M. and greater =4 Hours

32  This is the total picture – each location is compared and the lesser amount is credited.  The Criteria are: ◦ Needed Fire Flow ◦ Water Supply ◦ Fire Flow ◦ Hydrant Distribution ◦ Capacity of Water Hauled

33  Summary of Credits ◦ Communications10 Points Max. ◦ Fire Department50 Points Max. ◦ Water Supply40 Points Max. ◦ Divergence(-)______________ ◦ Total Credit100 Points (Max.)

34  Total Points are converted to a Rating Class: ◦ 100 – 90.00 Points=Class 1 ◦ 89.99 – 80.00 Points=Class 2 ◦ 79.99 – 70.00 Points =Class 3 ◦ 69.99 – 60.00 Points=Class 4 ◦ 59.99 – 50.00 Points =Class 5 ◦ 40.00 – 49.99 Points=Class 6 ◦ 39.99 – 30.00 Points=Class 7 ◦ 29.99 – 20.00 Points=Class 8 ◦ 19.99 – 10.00 Points= Class 9 ◦ 9.99 – 0 Points=Class 10

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