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Spiral Cover  1. Decorate the cover of the spiral to show your interests.  2. SCHOOL APPROPRIATE- If not, you will have to do it over.  3. Fold clear.

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Presentation on theme: "Spiral Cover  1. Decorate the cover of the spiral to show your interests.  2. SCHOOL APPROPRIATE- If not, you will have to do it over.  3. Fold clear."— Presentation transcript:


2 Spiral Cover  1. Decorate the cover of the spiral to show your interests.  2. SCHOOL APPROPRIATE- If not, you will have to do it over.  3. Fold clear contact paper around the cover or cover it with transparent packing tape. This will protect it for the year. I will provide clear packing tape if you need it.

3 Your Name U.S. History 8 Pre-AP Ms. Petersen, Rm. 119 Period 2014-2015 Title Page – Decorate in a patriotic manner. It should be very colorful. These decorations should cover most of the page.

4 On the back of the title page. Lab Computer #: eInstruction Pad #: Online Resources: The American Republic – tar1tx q2drevespe

5 My Page  A page for you to personalize your spiral. You might use song lyrics, quotes, images, doodles, whatever. Just keep it school appropriate.

6 Introducing Me  When the handout is returned to you, glue it in on the back of your, “My Page.”

7 First Six Weeks Gradesheet Next page – 2 nd Six Weeks Gradesheet Next Page – 3 rd six weeks gradesheet Next page – 4 th six weeks gradesheet Next page – 5 th six weeks gradesheet Next page – 6 th six weeks gradesheet

8 Second Six Weeks Gradesheet Reserve this page

9 Third Six Weeks Gradesheet Reserve this page

10 Fourth Six Weeks Gradesheet Reserve this page

11 Fifth Six Weeks Gradesheet Reserve this page

12 Sixth Six Weeks Gradesheet Reserve this page

13 American History Pre-Quiz Trim and glue in blue assessment.

14 Table of Contents  Reserve 4 pages front and back  The next right page after the last page of the table of contents will be page 1 in your spiral. Next right page after gradesheets

15 Table of Contents PageAssignment 1.Information for U. S. History 2.Map Rules/Citing Sources 3.Map: US States and Abbreviations (2 pages – 3A, 3B) 4.Essay/Short answer writing 5.Content Ladder 6.Unit 1: Exploration and Colonization 7.Warm Ups (reserve 3 pages – 7A, 7B, 7C) 8.Geography Foldable or GT Colony Activity 9.Jarrett Notes: Age of Exploration (2 pages – 9A, 9B) 10.Foldable: Spanish, French, English Exploration Note: No matter how many pages an assignment takes, we will only list it once on the Contents.

16 History Information 1 You received this handout the first day of school (handout stapled to parent contact form). If you have lost it, you may print a copy from the Spiral page on my website.

17 Map Rules/Citing Sources 2

18 US Map: States and Abbreviations Trim down and glue in your map. Then glue in the key on the next pages. Number the pages as 3, 3B, 3C, etc. 3A

19 Essay/Short Answer Writing  Reserve this page. 4

20 Content Ladder 5

21 Unit 1: Exploration and Geography Reserve this page for the end of the unit. 6

22 Warm Ups Trim down and glue in your Warm Ups from last week. Reserve 3 pages; number them as 7A, 7B, 7C. 7A

23 Geography Foldable or GT Activity 8 Trim down and glue in the activity.

24 Jarrett Notes: Age of Exploration  Glue in both parts on separate pages; number them as 7A and 7B. 9A

25 Foldable: 1400-1650 10

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