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1 PRINTERS GUIDE TO FOLDED SELF-MAILERS & BOOKLETS National Postal Forum April 13, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "1 PRINTERS GUIDE TO FOLDED SELF-MAILERS & BOOKLETS National Postal Forum April 13, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 PRINTERS GUIDE TO FOLDED SELF-MAILERS & BOOKLETS National Postal Forum April 13, 2010

2 2 Agenda  Value of Direct Mail  Letter Mail Automation Environment  Letter-size Booklets  Additional Letter Booklet Formats  Folded Self-Mailers Study

3 3 Value of Direct Mail  Personal and Relevant  Provides engagement with customers  Allows for a one to one moment with your customers  Targetable  Reach specific target audience  Measureable and cost effective  Creative  Compliments all media channels  Web, Radio, TV

4 4 Market Trends  Mailpiece designs continue to evolve  More emerging creativity in the marketplace  Mailing standards do not account for these designs

5 5 Letter Automation High speed automation equipment processes letter mail at a rate of 10 pieces per second! Standardization improves automation efficiency!

6 6 Envelope vs. Non-Envelope Letters  Letter-size Booklets and Folded Self-Mailers do not process like enveloped letters:  Potential for more damage  Impact to effective processing  Impact to response rate  Higher jam rates  Potential for damage to other mailpieces  Lowers automation productivity  Solutions?  Goal - solutions beneficial to USPS and mailers

7 7 Letter Booklet Study  Comprehensive testing and analysis with industry  Result - revised standards effective Sep 08, 2009 Reference: More information can be found in DMM 201.3.15

8 8 What is a Booklet DMM Booklets must have a bound edge. Sheets that are fastened with at least two staples in the manufacturing fold (saddle stitched), perfect bound, pressed- glued, or joined together by another binding method that produces an end where pages are attached together are considered booklets. Booklets are open on three sides before sealing, similar in design to a book. In general, booklets must be uniformly thick…

9 9 Additional Booklet Designs  Continuing to create more mailing options  New booklet designs since revised rules were published, include:  Wallet Style  Simple spine continuous glue line closure  Oblong

10 10 Additional Booklet Designs Primary attributes driving change of the new designs:  Dimensional size of piece  Allowance for more length  Cover weight  Allowance for lower cover paper basis weight  Closure method  Various methods allowed - based on weight of mailpiece Let’s take a look at the new designs…..

11 11 Additional Booklet Designs 4” Height; 5.2” – 8” Length Weight up to 2oz with 1.5” Non-Perf Tabs Weight between 2 to 2.5oz with 2” Non-Perf Tabs Wallet Style

12 12 Additional Booklet Designs Less than.8oz - No tab required Cover to Cover Internal FlapExternal Flap Simple Spine – Continuous glue line

13 13 Additional Booklet Designs Weight between.8oz – 1.6oz Requires one lead edge 1.5” Non-Perf Tab Cover to Cover Internal FlapExternal Flap Simple Spine – Continuous glue line

14 14 Additional Booklet Designs Weight between 1.6oz – 3oz Requires two lead edge 1.5” Non-Perf Tabs Cover to Cover Internal FlapExternal Flap Simple Spine – Continuous glue line

15 15 Additional Booklet Designs Continuous glue line closure on trail instead of tab Oblong

16 16 What Now? Folded Self-Mailers

17 17 Folded Self-Mailer Study Objective of Proposed Mailing Standards Changes:  Identify incremental opportunities for improvement  Seek the greatest efficiency gains with the least impact to the mailing industry  Clearly define the characteristics required for automation and machinable letter prices  Preserve creative mailpiece design options  Incorporate standards for creative exterior elements that have and continue to emerge

18 18 Folded Self-Mailer Study  Building off prior success from booklet study  Partnered with industry  Mailer supplied test material, samples included:  what mailers currently produce  what mailers would like to produce

19 19 Folded Self-Mailer Study  Categorized samples based on basics of design style  Determine (4) primary characteristics of categories:  Traditional self-mailer; single sheet of paper folded  Nested sheets (layers) folded either vertically or horizontally  Self-mailers with internal attachments  Self-mailers with inserts/enclosures  Analyze data to determine standards  Primary correlations  Cover weight, closure method, dimensional size of piece

20 20 Folded Self-Mailer Study What’s next:  Brief Folded Self-Mailer study participants  Publish a Federal Register proposal  Publish a Federal Register final rule  Implement revised standards More to come…


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