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Measured Progress ©2013 1 Florida Alternate Assessment Administrator Training: 2014-2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Measured Progress ©2013 1 Florida Alternate Assessment Administrator Training: 2014-2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measured Progress ©2013 1 Florida Alternate Assessment Administrator Training: 2014-2015

2 What’s New for 2015 FAA?

3 Assessment Timelines 2015 Florida Alternate Assessment Shipment to DistrictsWeek of February 23, 2015 Administration WindowMarch 2 - March 27 Return of MaterialsApril 7 & 8, 2015

4 Grade Levels and Content Areas GradeReadingMathematicsWritingScience 3XX 4XXX 5XXX 6XX 7XX 8XXXX 9XX 10XXX 11X

5 What’s New for 2015 FAA? Reading, Writing, and Math field test items have been written to Florida Standards Access Points Science field test items continue to be written to the NGSSS Access Points Student results on field test items will not be reflected in the student performance score Appendix IV lists the Florida Standards Access Points addressed in the assessment for each grade and content area

6 What’s New for 2015 FAA? Transition to an integrated ELA model ELA field tests items will be embedded in the Reading section of the 2015 FAA 4 reading for grades 3-10 4 writing for grades 3-10

7 What’s New for 2015? Effort to reduce errors made when completing the Student Answer Sheet Common Errors When Completing the Scannable Student Answer Sheet Appendix V: Student Answer Sheet Review Checklist

8 Spring 2014 Errors Number of Instances per Error Type:Total Number of Students Affected Incomplete Academic Area Too Many Marks Incorrect Academic Area 6 Schools4127 Error #1: Incomplete Academic Area- at least one item for an academic area was not completed

9 Assessment Components  Form A or Form B  Test Booklet  Response Booklet  Cards Packets and/or Strips Packets  Passage Booklet  Scannable Student Answer Sheet

10 Auxiliary Materials

11 Test Booklet One per student

12 Before Administration  Read the Administration Manual and refer to: Appendix IV: Access Point table Writing Open-Response topics  Review the List of Cards and/or Strips and Teacher- Gathered Materials by Item  Review the Object Exchange List

13 Before Administration  Determine criteria for what engaged and disengaged looks like for each student  Consider student response mode, accommodations, and assistive technologies  Set up a location and time for the assessment  Use the Practice Materials

14 Before Administration  Practice Materials are provided in 3 separate kits One kit will contain two sample items for each applicable content area in grades 3, 4, and 5 One kit will contain two sample items for each applicable content area in grades 6, 7, and 8 One kit will contain two sample items for each applicable content area in grades 9, 10, and 11

15 Before Administration/After Materials Arrive  Check to make sure all materials needed are present  Make sure materials are the same form (A or B)  Read the Test Booklet  Highlight the item script  Replace “show me/tell me”  Organize Cutouts  Gather any needed materials  Determine how to read any diagrams

16 During Administration  Use the Scoring Rubric Flow Chart and directions  Make notes in the Test Booklet as needed  Score accurately Score each Access Point as it is completed Fill in only one bubble per item Only the highest score is recorded Make sure to fill in the correct content area  Stop and resume testing as needed

17 Following Administration  Teacher-Self Reflection Checklist

18 Scoring Rubric Flow Chart

19 Scannable Student Answer Sheet  Official Scores  Form A or Form B  Demographics Check pre-identified information If no pre-identified information is supplied, complete all areas of the scannable  Reasons not Assessed  Incorrect Information  Defective Answer Sheet


21 Important Scoring Reminders  Scores may be recorded in the Test Booklet or directly on the Scannable Student Answer Sheet  Only certified teachers or other licensed professionals trained in administration procedures may transfer scores  Score as you go - Mark student’s scores after completing the administration of each item  The correct answer is listed in the Student will column of the Test Booklet and should not be in student’s direct line of sight

22 Important Scoring Reminders  Double check all Scannable Student Answer Sheets to avoid coding errors  Errors may result in a student receiving “NO SCORE”  Check for incorrect or missing pre-identified information  Be careful to avoid common errors Incomplete academic area Too many marks bubbled for an item Incorrect academic area completed Incorrect grade indicated


24 Important Scoring Reminders Student Answer SheetReview Task  1.Check all preidentified information to be sure correct:  Name  DOB  District/school  Grade  Exceptionality 1.If student not assessed, be sure reason is indicated. 1.If preidentified information is incorrect, be sure correct information has been provided in the corrections section. 1.No. 2 pencil has been used to fill out sheet. 1.Correct Form (A or B) has been indicated. 1.Correct academic areas have been completed for the grade level assessed:  Reading: grades 3-10  Math: grades 3-10  Writing: grades 4,8,& 10 only  Science: grades 5,8,& 11 only 1.Only one response has been bubbled per item. 1.Each item has a response bubbled. 1.Stray pencil marks removed.

25 Test Security  Security of all test materials must be maintained before, during, and after test administration Student specific security numbers are assigned for each secure document Under no circumstances is a student permitted to handle materials prior to administration Materials must be checked out and returned to the school’s secure area each day  Refer to the most recent Florida Alternate Assessment Procedural Manual for test security procedures:




29  Contact Information Maggie Reynolds Denisse Santos  Acknowledgements  Appendices Other

30 Measured Progress ©2013 30 Questions?

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