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Reception St. Catherine’s British School
Welcome to Reception St. Catherine’s British School
What is the Early Years Foundation Stage?
The Early Years Foundation Stage (E.Y.F.S.) is the stage of education for children from birth to the end of the Reception year. It is based on the recognition that children learn best through play and active learning.
1 A Unique Child-No other child exactly like yours!
The E.Y.F.S. has 4 themes. These are: 1 A Unique Child-No other child exactly like yours! 2 Positive Relationships-Child-Teacher -Parent 3 Enabling Environments 4 Learning and Development
Within the theme of Learning and Development there are six areas
Within the theme of Learning and Development there are six areas. All areas are connected to one another and are equally important. Personal, Social and Emotional Development Communication, Language & Literacy Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy Knowledge & Understanding of the World Physical Development Creative Development
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
The children will be learning to: become self-confident; (Some children do cry but try to remain positive. Leave as quickly as possible so they can start to focus on something other than you. Always say goodbye and remind them that you will be back to pick them up later!) take an interest in things; know what their own needs are; dress and undress independently; (Changing for P.E.) Please make it easier for your child by making sure clothes are elasticated, where possible and that shoes have velcro fasteners! become independent; tell the difference between right and wrong.
Communication, Language and Literacy
The children will be learning to: talk confidently and clearly; enjoy listening to stories, songs and poems; hear and say sounds, and link them to the alphabet; read and write familiar words; learn to use a pencil effectively.
Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy
The children will be learning to: develop an understanding of maths through stories, songs, games and imaginative play; become comfortable with numbers and with ideas such as 'heavier than' or 'bigger’; be aware of shapes and space.
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
The children will: explore and find out about the world around them, asking questions about it; build with different materials, know about everyday technology and learn what it is used for; (We have one lesson a week in the computer lab and also use the computer and the interactive whiteboard in the classroom.) find out about past events in their lives and their families' lives; find out about different cultures and beliefs.
Creative Development The children will explore: colours and shapes;
making things; role play; making music.
Physical Development The children will be learning to:
move confidently; control their body; handle equipment. Children have 3 P.E lessons a week. P.E is a very imporatant part of the curriculum. If your child is well enough to come to school they should do P.E. unless they have a doctors note.
In Reception we plan using broad themes
In Reception we plan using broad themes. The direction each theme takes is led by the interests and experiences of the children. First Half-Term: Sept/Oct All About Me Settling in and working together Second Half-Term: Nov/Dec Seasonal changes-autumn Festivals and Celebrations Third Half-Term: Jan/Feb Festivals-Chinese New Year Materials Seasonal Changes-winter Fourth Half-Term: March/April Life-cycles-butterfly, frog and chicken Growing and caring for plants Seasonal Changes-spring Fifth Half-Term: May/June We Live in Greece Transport and Holidays
Monitoring Progress Reception Class.
Each of the 6 areas of learning has its own set of Early Learning Goals’ which determine what most children are expected to achieve by the end of Reception Class. The E.Y.F.S. Profile is a summative assessment of each child’s progress towards the early learning goals. The profile is updated regularly throughout the year. It shows your child’s development and areas for further support. Our reports written twice a year reflect this.
The First Few Weeks We will find out what the children
already know and can do and use this information to help us develop an individual learning programme for each child. We would value any contributions you would like to make in helping us get to know your child’s needs. Please update or fill in a medical form. Please return the completed booklet. You will be invited to discuss your child’s progress & adjustment to school within the first term at parents evening.
Lesson introduction followed by child initiated and adult initiated activities. 9:50-Fruit 10:10-10:30-outdoor playtime. 12:00-12:30-Outdoor playtime 12:30-1:15-Lunch Lesson introduction followed by child initiated and adult initiated activities. 3:15-3:30-Pick up your child from outside door of the classroom. (Children not picked up by 3:30 will be taken to safe after school club.)
Important Things to Remember
School starts at 8:30!(Children can arrive from 8:15 onwards.) Any important information i.e change of travel arrangements needs to be recorded in the contact book.) Remember to label your child’s clothes! What your child needs School uniform (Please check uniform list and make sure shoes etc are the correct colour. NO JEWELLERY FOR SAFETY REASONS.) A reading folder (in house team colour) A lunchbox with packed lunch, drink and a cloth napkin. Fruit P.E. Kit on Monday-goes home on Friday.
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“Adults who help children to play are adults who help children to learn.”
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