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STC Training Fall 2006 Writing October 13, 2006 Conference and Training Center 8:30 a.m.

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Presentation on theme: "STC Training Fall 2006 Writing October 13, 2006 Conference and Training Center 8:30 a.m."— Presentation transcript:

1 STC Training Fall 2006 Writing October 13, 2006 Conference and Training Center 8:30 a.m.

2 What’s New for 2006-2007 Pearson Educational Measurement (PEM) is the new contractor for all aspects of the Virginia Assessment Program. PEM Solutions is the website for accessing all parts of the testing program. Training will be forthcoming in the use of PEM Solutions for online testing. The answer document has been simplified. A sample is in your packet of information.

3 What’s New (continued) Pre-ID labels have been ordered and have arrived. They are in your packet. You will receive two Pre-ID labels for each student. The second label is for your second chance seniors. Discard all extras. The Header Sheet has also been simplified. A sample is also in your packet.

4 The Answer Document -Front If a Pre-ID label is used, only section A on the front needs to be completed. Use the orientation as shown in the example. If no Pre-ID label is available, complete sections A-E. If you DO NOT have a Pre-ID label for a student, please email the student’s name to Mr. Wall. Contact Mr. Wall if you need an STI.

5 The Answer Document -Interior Students must use a #2 pencil and write within the space provided. Responses outside the outer grid are not scanned. Students must write their names in the space provided. When scored, the interior pages are separated from the front and back pages.

6 The Answer Document-Back Have the students enter their name. Fields F and G must be completed. Fields H and I are completed as needed  H –testing status  I – special test accommodations.

7 The Header Sheet You will receive a supply of pre-slugged Header Sheets. You will also receive some blank Header Sheets. If using the blank Header Sheets complete as shown here. You must enter the number of documents on each Header Sheet, both pre-slugged or blank.

8 The Header Sheet-Something New You are required to put contact information on each Header Sheet. Use Steve Wall, DDOT for the name and 434-432- 2761 for the phone number. Use the test date for the date. You are not required to put the teacher’s name on the Header, that will be in the Pre-ID file.

9 Paper Bands Follow the example below to complete your bands.. Do Not complete the last line of the label. That will be done at check-in. Band materials together by teacher. Band second chance senior materials together.

10 Testing Schedule Pittsylvania County Schools is an equating division for the fall writing administration. The schedule is:  October 24-main multiple choice administration-may be given during the regular school schedule.  October 25-alternate multiple choice for second chance seniors-it is recommended that they be tested at the same time.  October 26-administer the main writing prompt-must be administered in the morning. All students will test at the same time. I will notify the Career and Technical Center.  October 27-administer the alternate writing prompt to the second chance seniors. Again this must be in the morning with all being tested at the same time.  November 6 - Check-in all materials.

11 Second Chance Senior A second chance senior (SCS) is any student scheduled to graduate prior to August 31, 2007 that has not passed the writing SOL test. Most SCS have already passed the English 11 class but some may currently be enrolled in the class. Regardless, anyone meeting the definition in the first bullet is eligible to take the test twice. SCS are NOT required to take the second testing opportunity. If they decide not to participate DO NOT mark them as absent (testing status 1) or refused to test (testing status 5). Just discard the second chance answer document.

12 Forms and Prompts Main Test Administration  Multiple Choice booklet- W0016  Writing Prompt-103 Second Chance Senior Administration  Alternate Multiple Choice booklet-W5036  Alternate Writing Prompt-101

13 Make-Up testing Refer to the handout in your packet on make-up scenarios. Make-ups must be completed by the end of the week of October 30-November 3.

14 Test Irregularities A copy of the form is in your packet. Call Mr. Wall if you suspect an irregularity and describe the situation. Mr. Wall will decide if you need to submit the form. If a form is submitted, complete and FAX to Mr. Wall at 432-9560. Mr. Wall will submit the irregularity to the DOE online. No retesting until approval is granted by the DOE.

15 Receipt of Secure Materials Upon the receipt of your secure materials, you must check the contents and verify that you received all of your materials. Fax the second page to Mr. Wall at 432- 9560

16 Sample Test Booklet and Writing Prompt Package Assembly Sheets

17 Materials to Return on Check-in Student Answer Documents. Test Booklets and Writing Prompts, grouped together by main and alternate. All School Division Personnel Test Security Agreements. Test Booklet and Writing Prompt Examiner Check-in and Check-out forms School Packing List/Transmittal Form. Test Booklet and Writing Prompt Test Booklet Package Assembly ID Sheets. School Affidavit.

18 Training Have an agenda when training your examiners. Keep a roster of attendance. If examiners will not cooperate notify 1) your principal and then 2) the DDOT. Review the Test Security Guidelines with your examiners and have them sign the Test Security Agreement.

19 Training (cont)-Multiple Choice Make sure that page 22 of the Examiners Manual is covered.

20 Training (continued)-Direct Writing Make sure to cover the sections indicated at the right from page 30 of the Examiners Manual.

21 Materials needed Multiple Choice  Number 2 pencils  Scratch paper Direct Writing  Number 2 pencils  Scratch paper  Dictionary (without a Thesaurus section)

22 Questions?

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