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Chemistry 211 Final Examination. Final Exam Tips Exam will contain problems that you won’t have any clue how to solve. That is normal! You can miss about.

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Presentation on theme: "Chemistry 211 Final Examination. Final Exam Tips Exam will contain problems that you won’t have any clue how to solve. That is normal! You can miss about."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemistry 211 Final Examination

2 Final Exam Tips Exam will contain problems that you won’t have any clue how to solve. That is normal! You can miss about 13 problems and still be in the 90%ile. Budget your time: 70 questions in 110 minutes  1.5 minutes/problem. Work on easy problems first. Answer all questions: no penalty for guessing – 25% chance of getting it right even if you don’t know how to solve it. At the end of the exam reserve a few minutes to check your scantron sheet to insure that you have answered all of the questions. There is only one best answer for each question.

3 What to bring! Bring your own scantron sheet; green or blue one. Scantron sheet should not be wrinkled! Bring a black #2 pencil. Completely erase incorrectly entered answers. Bring a nonprogrammable calculator! Use of a programmable calculator will be considered an honor code violation! Do not bring anything else. Use of your own “cheat sheets” will be considered an honor code violation!

4 Rules Do not write on the exam booklet! Your grade will be affected by any marks found in it! Do all calculations on the scratch paper! All exams and scratch paper must be turned in at the end of the end. Do not open the test booklet until you are instructed to. Write the exam number on your scantron sheet along with your name and G number.

5 Instructions Turn off cell phones and store them! Do start the exam until instructor gives permission. Do not write in the exam booklet! Allowed items –Exam form –Scantron –#2 pencil –Non-programmable calculator –Blank scratch paper. Write name, exam color and number next to name. –Example: John Jock (yellow) 4811 To leave the room or turn in your exam, raise your hand for the instructor to collect your exam!

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