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Queensland Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Framework.

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Presentation on theme: "Queensland Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Framework."— Presentation transcript:

1 Queensland Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Framework

2 The Assessment Bank Supporting school-based assessment Workshop 8

3 content technical capabilities. When you hear the words “Assessment Bank”, what are your expectations regarding its:

4 Workshop aims To provide information about the Assessment Bank To show how the Assessment Bank can support teaching, learning and school-based assessment

5 The five components of the QCAR Framework Essential Learningsclarify what to teach Standardsprovide a common language to describe student achievement Assessment Bankprovides online access to a collection of quality assessments and resources Queensland Comparable Assessment Tasks (QCATs) in Years 4, 6 and 9 provide evidence of what students know, understand and can do, and support consistency of teacher judgment Guidelines for Reportingsupport consistency of reporting

6 What is the Assessment Bank? The Assessment Bank is an online collection of assessments and resources that are linked to the Essential Learnings and Standards and used to support teaching, learning and school-based assessment.

7 Why have an Assessment Bank? To support school-based assessment To model assessment using Essential Learnings and Standards To model a variety of assessments and resources

8 How are assessments presented? 1.Student booklet 2.Teacher guidelines 3.Assessment-related resources (where applicable) 4.Guide to making judgments 5.Indicative A response 6.Sample responses (when available)

9 Student booklet

10 Identify curriculum Sequence teaching & learning Develop assessment Make judgments Use feedback

11 Guide to making judgments Assessable elements Task-specific assessable elements Provision for feedback Task-specific descriptions of the expected qualities of student learning to be demonstrated

12 Assessable elements Task-specific assessable elements Task-specific descriptors that signpost the discernable differences in the quality of student performance along a continuum. Guide to making judgments

13 Indicative A response

14 Sample responses Student response Annotations describe how the sample matches the task- specific descriptors

15 What is a resource? Classroom resource Professional resource

16 Teachers may choose to use the assessments and resources: as they are, or adapt to suit local needs as a springboard for developing new assessments and resources as a basis for conversations with parents, educators and other school communities.

17 Curriculum leaders may choose to: encourage educators to access the Assessment Bank provide professional development in the use of the Assessment Bank facilitate conversations with parents, educators and other school committees using examples from the Assessment Bank develop opportunities for teachers to moderate student work.

18 Discussion How can the Assessment Bank support teaching, learning and assessment in my classroom and school?

19 User Log in > Assessment > QCAR > Assessment Bank

20 What are the main features of the Assessment Bank? Personalised home page Search for assessments and resources Profile-based links Favourites Previous searches and downloads

21 Assessment search Easy to use and flexible When KLA Languages is selected, the Language levels appear:

22 Assessment search results Overview of assessment

23 Assessment content in multiple formats Add assessments to your Library Cart View assessment documents Assessment package details

24 Resource search Search for resources Professional resources & classroom resources

25 More information on the QCAR Framework Website: Email:

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