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Year 7 Art Homework Booklet Mark Making Name: Teacher:Group:

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1 Year 7 Art Homework Booklet Mark Making Name: Teacher:Group:

2 Homework 1 : Create a collage of different trees using pictures from magazines, newspapers, from the internet, or photos. Date HW set: Date HW due in:

3 Homework 2 1. Try out 4 different marks here that you see in the drawing above by Van Gogh 2. Re-create this landscape using 4 different mark making techniques. The media you use will depend on what you have available to you at home. Peer assessment: Date HW set: Date HW due in:

4 Homework 3 2. Make a tonal drawing of the walnut above. Aim to use a range of tones and marks to demonstrate what you learnt in class. Teacher Assessment Date HW set: Date HW due in: 1. Complete the tonal grid in pencil. Light to dark

5 Homework 4 This print was created by Eric Ravilious What is the picture of? What marks and techniques has the artist used? How would you describe the print? How does the print make your feel? Evaluate the print Teacher assessment: Date HW set: Date HW due in:

6 Homework 5 Layer a selection of different marks to make a landscape of rolling hills. Add some features like trees or houses that give the drawing a sense of scale. Teacher Assessment Date HW set: Date HW due in:

7 Homework 6 This photograph is by Ansel Adams (1902- 1984). He specialised in documenting the landscape of America. What is the picture of? What shapes has the photographer created? How would you describe the photograph? How does the photograph make your feel? Evaluate the photograph Teacher assessment: Date HW set: Date HW due in:

8 To extend your learning in Art have a go at these extra tasks. Go outside and draw a tree or plant. Try to use the marks you have made in school to make the textures you see. OR If you have a camera take a photo showing the textures and shapes of the tree. Stick in the photo here Look at the Tate website kids area at Have a go at some of the activities. Have some fun! Bring your creation into school to go on the ‘What I have been doing at home…’ display board.

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