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Expenditure Monitoring and Election accounts maintenance through web-based application Systematic Voters’ Education & Electoral Participation Programme.

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2 Expenditure Monitoring and Election accounts maintenance through web-based application Systematic Voters’ Education & Electoral Participation Programme Effective Complaint Management System as a force multiplier

3  No. of Sub- Divisions : 04  No. of Blocks : 18  No. of Municipalities : 13  No. of Police Stations : 23  No. of Gram Panchayats : 207  Total Area : 3149 Sq. KM No of Parliamentary Constituencies 03 No of Assembly Constituencies18 Total Elector41,15,445 Total Male Electors21,32,126 Total Female Electors19,83,286 Total Other Electors33 Elector Population Ratio0.69 Gender Ratio931 Total no of Polling stations5150 Total Sectors412 ELECTORAL DETAILS Hooghly : At a glance



6 Sl. No. Venue of starting Starting time Route via.Destination Approx. Arrival time Phone no. of O/C Transport & others 1 Arambagh D.C.(Jublee- Park-Math) 6.00 A.M Arambagh Bus Stand, Muthadanga. Mayapur, Kable,Champadanga,Tarakeshwar D.C(Bus-Stand),Basdevpur More. Haripal D.C.(Gurdayal High School) 7-30 am9474198129 2 Damodarpur (Goghat) 6.00AM Ballydewangunj, Mission More, Shyambati, Kalipur, Arambagh Bus Stand, Trakeswar Bus Stand Tarakeswar Bus Stand. 10.00 A.M9475802819 3. “TRANS GRID” – A BOOKLET FOR POLLING PERSONNEL  An effective transport facility for the Polling Personnel (PP) i.e. to and from the DC/RC on the date of Poll.  It is a compilation of transportation routes, boarding points and alighting points.  Minimized chaos and ensured timely presence of PP at all DCs/RCs.  It was also uploaded on the district website. TRANSPORT GRID FOR MOVEMENT OF POLLING PESONNEL ON P-1 DAY AND POLL DAY TIME SCHEDULE OF BUSES ON P-1 DAY FOR POLLING PERSONNEL OF 29-ARAMBAGH P.C TRANSPORT GRID FOR MOVEMENT OF POLLING PESONNEL ON P-1 DAY AND POLL DAY TIME SCHEDULE OF BUSES ON P-1 DAY FOR POLLING PERSONNEL OF 29-ARAMBAGH P.C

7  Preparation of home AC wise PB /EDC register.  Preparation of deployment AC wise PB / EDC register.  Preparation of compiled PB / EDC register.  Auto generation of ED Certificate.  Handing over PB / EDC to the Polling Personnel at training hall.  Providing opportunity to caste their votes at PB facilitation centers at each training venue. 4. PROCESS SIMPLIFICATIO FOR PB / EDC THROUGH SOFTWARE APPLICATION

8 5. MODEL POLLING STATION OUTCOME  Encouraged women Polling Personnel who performed the Polling Personnel duty for the first time.  Provided quality service to voters.  Motivated the voters to participate in ‘ Celebration of Democracy’.  Involvement of PSUs under CSR.  Making the overall experience of casting one’s vote a memorable & happy event. 114 model PS completely manned by female Polling Personnel for the first time in the state were set up within the District in collaboration with Public Sector Undertakings and Banks

9 6. SVEEP INTERVENTION  Live Phone-in-Call Show (SAMADHAN) : Direct communication with electors through local cable channel. Live Phone-in-Call show held on 2 days : 01.04.14 and 17.04.14.  Chhitthi Ayee Hain : An appeal through post card to missing electors with family linkage.  Live Rock Band Performance : Live performances organized at prominent locations to generate awareness amongst youth. Live Phone-in-Call show on 17.04.2014

10 Puppet ShowRoad Show Drawing Competition Kite Show Tableau FEW SNAPSHOTS Drawing

11 7. COMPLAINT MONITORING & REDRESSAL MECHANISM CONTROL ROOM ON THE DAY OF POLL I.Special control room for complaint monitoring with 6 TV sets, telephone lines, FAX lines and a dedicated team was put in place to directly address the complaints aired on TV channels. II.23 nos. of complaint were aired on TV channels out of which 13 were found to be false. III.Appreciation mails were sent to channels for which complaints were found to be true.  Two parallel systems – one for Complaints Requiring Action and another for Complaints Seeking Information were designed.  530 complaints were redressed during pre-election 2014.  Complaints received from political parties used as inputs for criticality assessment and deployment of forces at PSs.  Response time to any complaint has a direct co-relation to the confidence of a complainant. We ensured the shortest response time to all complaints. (our minimum response time was 20 mins.).

12 8. “DEO EXPENDITURE MONITORING SYSTEM” (e-DEMS) OUTCOME It was user friendly. It was accurate & economical. It reduced the compilation burden. It helped in monitoring. During inspection it was also very useful to candidates and political parties. Web based software Developed by NIC, Hooghly to enable its users to  make entries and update  easy monitoring  prepare report returns for Election Expenditure Monitoring efficiently.

13 OUR ACHIEVEMENTS PRE SRER- 2014 Gender Ratio EP- Ratio PRE SRER- 2014POST SRER- 2014 2009 2014 Voter Turnout Report POST SRER- 2014

14 Introduced Special Booklet & Perforated Booklet Polling Station exclusively manned by female PP (114 nos.) Introduced e-DEMS software for Expenditure Monitoring Involvement of youth in SVEEP activities. Bengali short film : Ke ELo BLO specially developed for training of BLO’s, ERO’s, AERO’s Involved Public Sector undertakings (PSUs) in the Poll process on poll day Introduced Transport Grid Exclusive delivery mechanism of PB/EDC to avoid postal delay INTRODUCED FIRST TIME IN HOOGHLY

15 Outstanding contributions and innovative measures towards making electoral rolls error free. Photo electoral coverage. Voters’ education resulting in greater enrollment of women and youth. Capacity building of BLOs. Improved complaint management system. DISTRICT ELECTION OFFICER, HOOGHLY RECEIVED STATE AWARD, 2013 FOR BEST ELECTORAL PRACTICES


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