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Get Ready For Work Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5 Collect Time Sheets Hanlon Update for centre Payroll Placement call round Hanlon Update for placements Welcome.

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Presentation on theme: "Get Ready For Work Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5 Collect Time Sheets Hanlon Update for centre Payroll Placement call round Hanlon Update for placements Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Get Ready For Work Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5 Collect Time Sheets Hanlon Update for centre Payroll Placement call round Hanlon Update for placements Welcome & Introductions – talk to the person on your left and introduce them Getting to know you Task 3 – All about you H&S tour of the building – fire exits, first aid box etc... Set and agree ground rules – encourage participation and input Review Induction Pack – check SDS Action plans have been signed Getting to know you Task 4 – About me Getting to know you Task 2 - Knowing yourself wheel Activity Task 1 – the Wall SDS ILP’s Getting to know you Task 1 – Hope and Fears Getting to know you Task 5 - People Bingo PX2 overview PX2 Unit 1: My mind is made up PX2 unit 2: Who do I listen to PX2 unit 3: How my mind works Activity Task 3 – About Me Collage _____________________ Teambuilding session – Construction Skills Pathways assessment for certain group members ______________________ Teambuilding session - Army Icebreaker Task 5 – Inside the circle Team Building Task 5 – Paper Towel tower (make some group members observers using observation sheet) Problem Solving Task 7 and 8 - Sweetie and Code quiz Problem Solving Task 1 - Birthday line Team building Task 3 – Water challenge ______________________ Team building Task 1 - Lost at Sea Exercise Activity Task 4 - Team building feedback PX2 Unit 4: opening up the powerhouse PX2 unit 5: Changing my attitudes and habits Moving on DVD Module 1 Activity Task 2 - Dream Board ______________________ Moving on DVD Module 2 Personal Profile booklet Personal profile - Task 1a – Past and present experiences F78609 Personal Profile Helpful handout Personal profile - Task 1b - Skills and understanding review F78609 Personal profile - Task 2 - Drawing conclusions F78609 Personal Profile– Task 3– Matching skills and qualities PX2 Unit 6: how my beliefs are formed PX2 unit 7: I’m worth it

2 Get Ready For Work Day 6Day 7Day 8Day 9Day 10 Collect Time Sheets Hanlon Update for centre Payroll Placement call round Hanlon Update for placement Develop a PowerPoint presentation about the 2 careers you are interested in that you printed off from Planit plus, the skills, qualifications and qualities you need to do them and how you are the right person for this job. _____________________ Activity Task 5 - Giraffe Test PowerPoint Present powerpoint on Planit Plus careers YETI Task 8 – I haven’t a clue - Job Role Charades Communication Booklet Introduction First Impressions Task 1 – Discussions First Impressions Task 2 – Interview impressions Body language Task 1 – How is body language used Body language Task 2 – Practice body language Body Language matching game Assertiveness Task 1 – Where did I go wrong? Assertiveness Task 2 – Where I need to be more assertive Assertiveness Task 3 – Let’s have a go! Assertiveness Task 4 – Role play (optional) Assertiveness Task 5 – Responses (optional) Assertiveness Task 6 – Types of responses Assertiveness Task 7 – Identifying behaviour DVD Pathways Literacy and Numeracy support all am _____________________ The Workplace booklet Workplace Expectations Task 1 – Employer expectations Youth central DVD Chapter 1 – What employers want Workplace Expectations Task 2 – School/work/training Workplace expectations Task 3 - Poster Work Ethics Task 1 – Group discussion Work Ethics Task 2 – Workplace ethics exercise Work Ethics Task 3 – Summary Responsibilities Task 1a Responsibilities Task 1b Responsibilities Task 2 Dealing with work situations Task 1 Dealing with work situations Task 2 Dealing with work situations Task 3 Away Day Task 1 – Getting to know Glasgow Job searching Booklet Introduction Job searching Task 1 – Experiences of job searching Job searching Task 2- Understanding the labour market Job searching Task 3 – Understanding job adverts Job searching Task 4– Understanding job adverts 2 Job searching Task 5 – Job research Job searching Task 6 – Company research Job searching Task 7– Overview of job searching

3 Get Ready For Work Day 11Day 12Day 13Day 14Day 15 Collect Time Sheets Hanlon Update for centre Payroll Placement call round Hanlon Update for placement Icebreaker Task 3 - Crossing the bridge CV Booklet CV introduction Review ‘organising information on your CV’ CV Task 1 – The good, the bad and the ugly CV Task 2 – What I can bring to a job CV Task 3 – Personal Profile Personal profile examples handout CV Task 4 – Key Skills CV Task 5 – Education CV Task 6 – Further Education and Training CV Task 7 – Employment History/Career History CV Task 8 – Hobbies and interests CV Task 9 - References CV’s continued ______________________ Icebreaker Task 6 – Matchstick puzzle Letter Writing Booklet Introduce letter writing Letter writing Task 1- What is the advert looking for? Letter writing Task 2 – Katharine’s cover letter Letter writing Task 3 – Analysing cover letters Letter writing Task 4 – Analysing job adverts Letter writing Task 5 – Speculative letter Pathways Literacy and Numeracy support all am ______________________ Letter writing continued Job searching quiz Job searching Team building Task 4 – Crime Scene Letter writing continued Job searching practice Catch up on any paperwork – SQA etc…, college apps, job apps Application Form Booklet Application forms Task 1 – Application form content Application forms Task 2 – Specific requirements Application forms Task3 – Additional information Application forms Task 4 – Type up Application forms Task 5 – Application form examples Application forms Task 6 – Application form do’s and don’ts Application form Task 7 – Challenge Job searching

4 Get Ready For Work Day 16Day 17Day 18Day 19Day 20 Collect Time Sheets Hanlon Update for centre Payroll Placement call round Hanlon Update for placement Ice breaker Task 7 – Hangman – choose whatever word is appropriate to consolidate meaning or related to the session. Job searching – 45 minutes Interview skills Task 1 – Types of interviews Interview skills Task 2 – Preparing for interview Interview skills Task 3– Moving On DVD Interview skills Task 4 – Do’s and Don’ts Interview skills Task 5 – Typical interview questions Example interviews Interview skills Task 6 – Interview skills quiz Food Hygiene CertificatePathways Literacy and Numeracy support all am Ice breaker Task 8 – Magic box Job searching Interview skills Task 7 – Preparation for interview poster Interview skills Task 8 – Design a job advert and interview in groups. Other groups apply for job using app form. Prepare for interview Interview each other for Task 8 and feedback Licensed Premises Certificate --------------------------------- Interview each other again for task 8 – hopefully improved (Optional) Interview skills Task 9 – Interview group task Interview skills Task 10 – Complete the following Pick a job you could do. Complete a job analysis form Complete an application form (remember to research the company) Prepare for interview

5 Get Ready For Work Day 21Day 22Day 23Day 24Day 25 Collect Time Sheets Hanlon Update for centre Payroll Placement call round Hanlon Update for placement Mock interview preparation Job searching practice Catch up on any paperwork – SQA etc…, college apps job apps Mock interviews with trainer

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