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The Circulatory System Mrs. Reeves 2013. Learning Outcome  We will identify the function and parts of the circulatory system.  I’ll know I have it when.

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Presentation on theme: "The Circulatory System Mrs. Reeves 2013. Learning Outcome  We will identify the function and parts of the circulatory system.  I’ll know I have it when."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Circulatory System Mrs. Reeves 2013

2 Learning Outcome  We will identify the function and parts of the circulatory system.  I’ll know I have it when I can accurately label the parts of this system on a diagram.  This is important so that I will understand how my body works in order to keep myself healthy.

3 This week, we will…  Identify the function and parts of the circulatory system while adding to our booklet.  Complete a diagram and foldable of the heart.  Make a heart model.  Construct a model of blood.  Evaluate and analyze models of DNA.

4 What is the function of the circulatory system ?  To transport (move) things through the body.  The circulatory system transports blood which carries:  Red blood cells  White blood cells  Platelets  Nutrients  Wastes  oxygen

5 What are the parts of the circulatory system?  Heart  Blood  Arteries  Veins  Capillaries

6 A matter of the heart…  Your heart is about the size of your fist.  It has 4 chambers.  It is made of special muscle tissue.  It “beats” to push blood through your arteries & veins.

7 Let’s take a moment…  Kids Health Heart Video Kids Health Heart Video

8 Checkpoint  Can you answer the following questions?  What are the parts of the circulatory system?  What is the function of the circulatory system?  How do the parts of this system help it perform its job so the body can accomplish what is needed to survive each day?

9 Body Systems Booklet  This is a tool to help you study.  Glue the diagram of the circulatory system into the booklet.  List the function and the parts of this system.

10 Up next…  Heart foldable  Study Guide

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