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Mercantilism. What the economy of the British colonies was based on Parliament passed laws controlling the trade of the colonies in order to benefit the.

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Presentation on theme: "Mercantilism. What the economy of the British colonies was based on Parliament passed laws controlling the trade of the colonies in order to benefit the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mercantilism

2 What the economy of the British colonies was based on Parliament passed laws controlling the trade of the colonies in order to benefit the “Mother Country”. This unequal trade increased the wealth of the mother country

3 This is what your notes should like. Write your own definition for mercantilism using the diagram and information from the slide. Mercantilism Mercantilism - define

4 Triangular Trade

5 Navigation Laws or Acts prevented the colonists from trading directly with other European countries By the 1700’s, the colonies had become involved with several trading partners. The most important was Triangular Trade since each of these routes formed a triangle. Caused the rise of port towns such as Boston, Philadelphia, New York, and Charleston.

6 Triangular Trade  1st Leg – Sugar and Molasses shipped  2nd Leg – Rum and other Goods shipped  3rd Leg – enslaved Africans shipped (called Middle Passage)

7 tions/imaps/maps/g5s_u3/index.html tions/imaps/maps/g5s_u3/index.html How did Triangular Trade Work?

8 Middle Passage “Slavers” usually brought captured Africans on the West Coast of Africa and put them on slave ships for the voyage to the Americas. Enslaved Africans were treated so harshly that many failed to survive the passage. Slaves were chained and crammed together below the deck, where sitting or standing room was limited.

9 Middle Passage


11 Salutary Neglect The term means benefitting from not enforcing laws. By not forcing its American colonies to follow all parliamentary laws, Britain allowed America to remain attractive to new immigrants and to prosper economically through lax regulation of trade. It was only when Britain moved away from self-government and toward new regulations and taxes that the colonists became increasingly dissatisfied with British rule.

12 This is what your notes should like. Write your own definition for triangular trade, middle passage, Navigation Acts, and salutary neglect using the diagram and information from the slide.

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