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communist dictator Mao Tse Tung (Zedong) discouraged trade and contact with Western countries Communism: people work hard for the state, which in turn.

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2 communist dictator Mao Tse Tung (Zedong) discouraged trade and contact with Western countries Communism: people work hard for the state, which in turn provides for the basic needs of the people

3 rules of government dictated life in China because state owned virtually everything, few people had incentive to work hard and make a profit few tourists allowed into the country those allowed in faced severe restrictions regarding where they could travel



6 allowed greater economic freedoms planned to move China toward market economy (but control still held by communist gov’t) community farms replaced by smaller, individual-owned farms industries encouraged to increase output & sell into foreign markets

7 Socialist Market Economy: combination of communist government control and limited free enterprise

8 Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Total value of everything produced in the country

9 Currency Chinese Yuan China is still a developing country about 60% of pop’n works in farming (Canada = 2%) Industry steel production machine manufacturing aircraft production arms production textiles chemicals food processing China is the world’s leading producer of rice and potatoes

10 China burns more coal than any other country in the world by 2021 will double the amount of coal it burns Carbon emissions contribute most toward global warming ** The United States releases the most carbon dioxide of any country – this can mostly be attributed to the high numbers of automobiles on the US roads**

11 What other problems could China experience in relation to its economic growth?

12 In partners, brainstorm ideas and answer the following questions… 1.Considering that pollution is greatly affected by levels of industry and numbers of vehicles on the road, how will China be affected by: a.More industry b.More cars on the road c.Higher living standards d.More people 2.Should developing countries like China have the right to expand in the same way that developed countries have done already? Explain your answer.


14 one of gov’t initiatives to reduce China’s dependence on coal purpose to produce massive amounts of cheap, clean energy to meet China’s growing industrial needs help control annual flood waters largest hydroelectric dam in history 185m high 2 km long


16 Gorge: A geological formation in which a river or stream is surrounded on both sides by steep cliffs or hills





21 will lose the beautiful gorges – replaced by a 600 km lake over 1.2 million people are being forced to move river valley will be used (had been farmed for thousands of years) historic & tourist sites along Yangtze River flooded

22 What other problems could China’s farmlands face as a result of the Megadam?

23 lake environment not good for fish and wildlife used to the river human & industrial waste will be dumped into lake where it will sit rather than be washed away

24 lower death toll resulting in Yangtze River delta flooding production of huge amounts of cheap, clean electricity clean alternative to burning abundant but non-renewable “dirty” coal better and safer navigation for ocean-going ships of over 10,000 tonnes

25 Looking at the pros and cons, DO YOU think the Three Gorges Megadam is good for the people of China?

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