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From last time Pleasure /pain argument Perceptual relativity argument Criticism of primary/secondary quality distinction.

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Presentation on theme: "From last time Pleasure /pain argument Perceptual relativity argument Criticism of primary/secondary quality distinction."— Presentation transcript:

1 From last time Pleasure /pain argument Perceptual relativity argument Criticism of primary/secondary quality distinction

2 Indirect Realism 1. In perception we are directly aware of ideas 2. These ideas are caused by external, mind independent objects 3. These ideas also resemble mind independent objects

3 The example of the coach The example of the coach Philonous: we can perceive objects indirectly, but only when we have experienced a correlation between the two objects If I hear a sound, I think a car is coming. This is an indirect perception of a car But this is not the sort of indirect perception Indirect realism requires

4 According to indirect realism, we are never aware of material objects directly, all that we are directly aware of are ideas. So there is no way of correlating the ideas we directly experience, with the supposed material objects

5 Indirect realism leads to skepticism Since we cannot correlate the material thing with idea, we cannot justify the belief that there is a material thing that is causing the idea. Thus indirect realism leads to skepticism about material things.

6 A metaphysical problem with indirect realism Ideas are mental things, bodies, by hypothesis, are material. If ideas are mental, then they cannot resemble something physical. IF ideas are mental, it is impossible for them to be caused by something physical In other words, the mind/body problem makes indirect realism implausible.

7 Berkeley’s Master argument If something is inconceivable it is impossible IT is impossible to conceive of a material thing without conceiving of it Therefore mind independent material things are impossible

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