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REALIST DRAMA Prepared by: Lea Turner. REALISM IN THEATRE  movement in the late 19th century  steered theatrical texts and performances towards greater.

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Presentation on theme: "REALIST DRAMA Prepared by: Lea Turner. REALISM IN THEATRE  movement in the late 19th century  steered theatrical texts and performances towards greater."— Presentation transcript:

1 REALIST DRAMA Prepared by: Lea Turner

2 REALISM IN THEATRE  movement in the late 19th century  steered theatrical texts and performances towards greater fidelity to real life (=natančna reprodukcija resničnega življenja) (=natančna reprodukcija resničnega življenja)  describes life without idealization or romantic subjectivity  characters product of social factors and environment (naturalism) naturalism  stage life = everyday reality  catalyzing theatre (=poučno gledališče) (=poučno gledališče)

3  drama of ideas (=tezna drama) (=tezna drama)  psychological drama (=psihološka drama) (=psihološka drama)  comedy of manners (=nravstvena komedija) (=nravstvena komedija)  conversational piece (=konverzacijska igra) (=konverzacijska igra)  comedy of ideas (=tezna komedija) (=tezna komedija)  Henrik Ibsen's "A Doll's House" (1879)

4 Themes contemporary society contemporary society middle-class characters, situations, and problems middle-class characters, situations, and problems complex, three-dimensional characters shaped by their family and heritage complex, three-dimensional characters shaped by their family and heritage unhappy marriages, relationships, sex, prostitution, diseases, religious hypocrisy, social inequality unhappy marriages, relationships, sex, prostitution, diseases, religious hypocrisy, social inequality

5 Characteristics written in prose written in prose realistic settings and natural speech, dialogue realistic settings and natural speech, dialogue natural movement, gesticulation and mimicry natural movement, gesticulation and mimicry (=izražanje z kretnjami, obrazom) (=izražanje z kretnjami, obrazom) unities of time and place unities of time and place (=enotnost časa in prostora) (=enotnost časa in prostora) often takes place indoors often takes place indoors emphasis on the depth of characters emphasis on the depth of characters creates tension and focus creates tension and focus

6 Theatrical elements stage settings accurately reproduce ordinary surroundings stage settings accurately reproduce ordinary surroundings attention to detail attention to detail electric lighting electric lighting box set (proscenium stage) box set (proscenium stage) slamming doors slamming doors


8 The well-made play (=dobro narejena igra) (=dobro narejena igra)  Form of drama popular between realist playwrights  secrets known to audience, withheld from certain characters  expected, logical reversals, hero - successes and failures  the secret is revealed - the climax, the antagonist is revealed  the protagonist has dignity restored, receives reward  denouement is believable and logical

9 Realist playwrights  Henrik Ibsen  Oscar Wilde   George Bernard Shaw  Anton Chekhov  August Strindberg  Maksim Gorky

10 GLOSSARY fidelity – natančna reprodukcija gesticulation – izražanje s kretnjami mimicry - mimika unities of time and place - enotnost časa in prostora catalyzing theatre – poučno gledališče The well-made play – dobro narejena igra


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