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Emergence of Mass Society in the West, the Romantic and Realist Movements.

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Presentation on theme: "Emergence of Mass Society in the West, the Romantic and Realist Movements."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emergence of Mass Society in the West, the Romantic and Realist Movements

2 Agenda 1. Bell Ringer: Quick Review of Industrialism and Unification Movements in Italy and Germany. (10) 2. Quick lecture: Mass Society in the West, Romanticism and Revolution. (20) 3. Romanticist vs Realist vs Impressionist, analyzing paintings. (5) 4. Romanticism and Realism in Literature (10) 5. The role of Philosophy in Industrialism (15) 6. Communist Manifesto Excerpt (15) HW: Make sure rough draft is submitted today to avoid late penalty. If you are having trouble with, don’t capitalize my name, that’s likely the issue.

3 Quick Review Who led the Unification movement in Southern Italy? Which country was the only one to lead a successful independence movement in the 1820s? What caused Revolutions in France in 1830 and 1848? What is Realpolitik? Who came up with this theory? What is Nationalism?

4 Mass Society in the West Urban Focus – Initially extremely cramped and unsanitary, life improves in the 1840s. – Average life expectancy increases, as sewage is diverted from the streets to the sewers. Social Structure – European Society, Elite control 40% of wealth, represent 5% of population. – New Elite emerges, industrialists and merchants. – Working Class still represents 80% of population

5 Women’s Rights and Education Women’s Rights – Legally inferior to men, defined by family and household roles. – Decreasing birth rates during this period. – Begin gaining rights in the 1870s in Britain. – “Suffragist” emerges during this time. Education – Mass education dominates by 1870s, why? Industrialization and the Progressive Movement Politics, the need to “nationalize” the population.

6 Ideas of Romanticism Moving away from reason, concentrating on emotion Focus on the mysterious and supernatural Glorified heroes Promoted radical change and democracy The past as nostalgia

7 Romanticism Literature Victor Hugo and Wordsworth known Romantics. – Struggles of individuals against a hostile society. – Celebrated rebellious heroes, love, and the beauty of nature. Gothic Novels also part of the Romantic movement. – Commonly had violent or supernatural events associated with them. (Mary Shelley)

8 Realism This was an attempt to show life as it is. Shows political importance of the working class and rise of industrialization. An attempt to describe workers’ suffering. – Dickens would show despair in London. Photography develops. Daguerreotypes were on metal plates, but William Talbot would expand to using paper.

9 Impressionists Painters in Paris began to move against this realist style. They wanted to give “their” impression of a moment in time. Much more positive than the realists, they tended to show the middle class enjoying leisure-time.

10 Which type of painting?

11 Which Type of Painting?





16 Objectives What is Romanticism? What are characteristics of: Romanticism Realism Impressionism

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