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LO: I will know what Realism is. Bombs that incinerate: NapalmNuclear Bomb tch?v=5gD_TL1BqFg It has been reported that some.

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Presentation on theme: "LO: I will know what Realism is. Bombs that incinerate: NapalmNuclear Bomb tch?v=5gD_TL1BqFg It has been reported that some."— Presentation transcript:

1 LO: I will know what Realism is

2 Bombs that incinerate: NapalmNuclear Bomb tch?v=5gD_TL1BqFg It has been reported that some soldiers are trained to view the enemy as sub-human. Once this happens, it makes it easier to commit the most atrocious and barbaric acts upon your enemy. Is this right?

3 Oliphant handout pg 151-152. We will read together Realists say that everything is fair when it comes to war, and only self interest matters. Ethics and war do not mix. Christian Realism – Christians sometimes have to support the use of force to restrain evil and prevent greater injustices.

4 ‘Insofar as the only relevant factors in the case are an injury to me by my neighbour and a desire on my part to retaliate, then I hold that Christianity commands the absolute mortification of that desire. No quarter whatever is given to the voice within us which says, “He’s done it to me, so I’ll do the same to him.” But the moment you introduce other factors, of course, the problem is altered … Your duties may be very different, different because [there] may be then other motives than egoistic retaliation for hitting back. Indeed, as the audience were private people in a disarmed nation, it seems unlikely that they would have ever supposed our Lord [Jesus] to be referring to war. War was not what they would have been thinking of. The frictions of daily life among villagers were more likely to be on their minds.’

5 THE RULES: Anybody who wishes to speak must put up their hand. When a person is speaking, everyone else listens. Only one person speaks at a time. Everyone should try to speak at least once during the session. The person speaking chooses the next person to speak from another side (who has their hand up). If there is more than one person who wishes to speak, you should pick the person who has said the least so far (NAME) A new speaker first has to offer a critical comment and EVALUATE what the previous person has said e.g. I agree because…., I think that is wrong because…., I disagree about this aspect…. The speaker must then say something substantial to drive the discussion forwards (BUILD) NAME EVALUATE BUILD NAME EVALUATE BUILD ‘War is justified.’

6 1.1 Minute on what you think of the title, and why you are correct. (you will be given a view) 2.30 seconds on why others are wrong. 3.Ask a question to each group. (they will have ten seconds to nominate a person and then respond) 4.You will then have 1 minute to prepare your closing statement. RULES: 1.You will be scored on preparation, contribution, and quick thinking 2. Only one person may speak at one time. ‘War is justified.’


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