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Realism & Naturalism 1890 - 1914 Ms. Howell-Jones.

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Presentation on theme: "Realism & Naturalism 1890 - 1914 Ms. Howell-Jones."— Presentation transcript:

1 Realism & Naturalism 1890 - 1914 Ms. Howell-Jones

2 Realism b Interest only in the actual, not in the ideal or the abstract

3 Naturalism b Humans have evolved over large periods of time

4 Darwinism b A theory explaining the origin & continued existence of animals by means of natural selection

5 Realism to Naturalism b Shift from realism to naturalism b Naturalism appealed to young writers

6 Historical Context b Industrialization continued to transform America b Steam engine - image of this age

7 Historical Context b Technological change = progress b Railroads and telephones

8 Historical Context b Gap widened between rich and poor b Wealth was concentrated

9 Historical Context b Ghettos grew due to city government corruption b Reform = exposure

10 Historical Context b Exposure to public press, government investigations b New laws & regulations

11 Historical Context b Exposure added by photography b Monopoly, tycoon, robber baron

12 Historical Context b Plutocracy - ruling class based on wealth b Muckrakers -expose corruption (journalists)

13 Historical Context b Negatives - abuses of child labor and discrimination against women especially

14 Historical Context b Overall mood was positive however b U.S. became a world power (less imperialistic)

15 Literary Context b Literature became mixed with sociology, psychology, scientific philosophies, etc.

16 Literary Context b Popularity of Utopian novels b Most impact came from natural science

17 Literary Context b Special concern with human character b New metaphors

18 Literary Context b Society as a predatory state of nature b Struggle between society & social forces

19 Literary Context b Heredity vs. environment b Free will = illusion

20 Literary Context b Society is a laboratory for the scientific study of human behavior

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