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Realism. Goals of Realist Literature: Give an accurate portrayal of life Depict reality, no matter how ordinary Shed light on social issues and concerns.

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Presentation on theme: "Realism. Goals of Realist Literature: Give an accurate portrayal of life Depict reality, no matter how ordinary Shed light on social issues and concerns."— Presentation transcript:

1 Realism

2 Goals of Realist Literature: Give an accurate portrayal of life Depict reality, no matter how ordinary Shed light on social issues and concerns by basing literature on observations of commonplace events and people

3 Why did Realism come about? First developed in France in mid-19 th century Spread to England, Russia, and the United States Born as a reaction to Romanticism Change from glorifying the individual and celebrating emotions to depicting people as they actually are Product of a rapidly changing society Change from rural society to urban following Civil War Writers inspired to depict effects of these dramatic social changes on the average citizen

4 Characteristics of Realism Complex characters – Ordinary people like laborers, businessmen, or housewives from lower and middle class – Long, descriptions of character’s inner thoughts Ordinary setting True to life dialogue that captures dialects and idioms of conversation reflective of a particular time period, place, or social group

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