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Management Research: Philosophy and Design

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1 Management Research: Philosophy and Design
BAM Doctoral Conference 9th September 2013 Professor Mark Easterby-Smith

2 Aims of the Session To build up a model for looking at research philosophies. To consider how philosophies can effect the design and conduct of research projects.

3 Research Philosophies: A Grid
Detached Realism Conventionalism Involved

4 Ontology and Epistemology
Realism Internal Realism Relativism Nominalism Single truth Truth is obscure Many truths No truth Facts exist to be revealed Facts exist but are hard to uncover Facts depend on view of observer Facts are all created Epistemology Positivism Constructionism

5 Epistemology and Methodology
Strong Positivism Positivism Con- structionism Strong Construction-ism Aims Discovery Exposure Convergence Invention Starting points Hypotheses Propositions Questions Critique Designs Experiments Large surveys Cases and small surveys Engagement Data types Numbers & data Numbers and words Words and numbers Words; experiences Analysis Verification & falsification Correlation Triangulation Sense making; understanding Outcomes Confirm theories Test and generate theories Theory generation Insights and actions

6 Bibliography Easterby-Smith, M., Thorpe, R. and Jackson, P. (2012, 4th Edn) Management Research. London: Sage. Reason, P and Bradbury, H. (2000) Handbook of Action Research: Participative Inquiry and Practice. London: Sage. Saunders, M., Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A. (2009, 5th Edn) Research Methods for Business Students. London: Prentice Hall Strauss, A.L. and Corbin, J. (1998, 2nd Edn) Basics of Qualitative Research: Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory. London: Sage. Yin, R.E.(2002, 3rd Edn) Case Study Research: Design and Methods. London: Sage.

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