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Opposition Lesson One Plymstock School History Department.

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1 Opposition Lesson One Plymstock School History Department

2 Lesson Objectives Students will use note taking skills to identify key questions on opposition in Nazi Germany and them answer them Lesson Outcomes Students will understand the nature of opposition in Germany, and be able to quantify and the significance of acts of resistance

3 Task One Q. What questions will we need to answer in order to get an understanding of opposition within Nazi Germany?

4 Who resisted? Why did people resist? How did people resist? Why did people not resist? Why was Hitler rarely the focus of anger?

5 Task Two Read ‘Resistance in Nazi Germany’ In no more than 100 words answer the questions: Who resisted? Why did people resist? How did people resist? Why did people not resist? Why was Hitler rarely the focus of anger?

6 Task Three Colour code your written answer to distinguish between the information you have used from the previous colour coding activity and your own existing, prior knowledge Please provide a key

7 Task Four - Part 1 Passive, Overt & Active Opposition Q. How is Passive Opposition different to Active Opposition? Q. Which would be the more dangerous leap to make. From Passive to Active, or from Active to Overt?

8 Task Four - Part 2 Washing Line Look at the grid providing examples of opposition and resistance. Identify each of the examples of resistance as either Passive, Overt or Active. This can be written on or colour coded (time permitting) You should then cut out and arrange in order of significance the acts that are listed. ______________________________________________________________ Most Significant Least Significant

9 Plenary What have you identified as the most significant example of resistance and why? What have you identified as the least significant example of resistance and why?

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