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傳播與健康 傳播的概念 健康的概念 線性傳播模式 Linear models 互動傳播模式 Interactive models

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Presentation on theme: "傳播與健康 傳播的概念 健康的概念 線性傳播模式 Linear models 互動傳播模式 Interactive models"— Presentation transcript:

1 傳播與健康 傳播的概念 健康的概念 線性傳播模式 Linear models 互動傳播模式 Interactive models
流動性傳播模式 Transactional models 健康的概念 意義與定義的產生-社會建構論 媒體的再現:語言、圖像、與價值 預防 VS. 治療

2 大眾傳播與健康促進 傳播媒體的宣傳效果 Cost, Coverage of delivery, and Impact Awareness vs. Behavior change KAP (knowledge, attitude, practice) Promotion & Intervention (Frequently applied theories): The Social Marketing Model Social Cognitive Theory The Transtheoretical Model (Stages of Change / Readiness)

3 Social Marketing Model
Model from Corporations Four P’s in Marketing Strategies Product Price Place Promotion Key Concepts Tailored media-based messages Target audience Pre-identified attributes and contexts

4 Social Cognitive Theory
Social Learning Reciprocal Interacting Environmental Factors Basic Tenets Response consequences (rewards or punishments) Learning by observing others Identity models Strategies Goal setting Stimulus control (self-control) Social support

5 Transtheoretical Model
Pre-contemplation Has no intention to take action (e.g., within the next 6 months) Contemplation Intends to take action (e.g., within the next 6 months) Preparation Intends to take action (within the next 30 days and has taken some behavioral steps in this direction) Action Has changed overt behavior (for less than 6 months) Maintenance Has changed overt behavior (for more than 6 months) Termination Overt behavior will never return (there is complete confidence that you can cope without tear of relapse)

6 傳播學的應用 大眾傳播 組織傳播 人際傳播(親身傳播) 媒介效果 涵化理論 建構/與再現 廣告宣傳

7 媒體廣告訴求手法 我們來腦力激盪 ….

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