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Treatment of Psychological Disorders Desirée Adams 04/09/09.

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1 Treatment of Psychological Disorders Desirée Adams 04/09/09

2 What we’ll cover Misconceptions of Therapy Types of Therapy Psychoanalysis Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Eclecticism

3 Misconceptions about Therapy Video: Analyze This All “talk therapy” while laying on a couch Therapist dominated (therapist knows more about you than you know about yourself) Must be in therapy for years People in therapy are “weak” One “a-ha” moment that solves all of your problems

4 Psychoanalysis Freud was the first formal therapist (physician) Insight therapy (aka Talk therapy) Talking about emotions “cured” physical problems Gain insight into self by exposing unconscious thoughts Free Association, Dream Analysis Insight therapy today

5 Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

6 How CBT came about Spawned from Behavior Therapy 1950’s – 1970’s –Behaviorism movement Focused on overt behaviors Based on Learning Theories Therapists attempt to change behaviors based on classical, operant, and observational learning Cognitive Therapy 1980’s – current – Cognition movement Focused on thoughts, thinking errors Therapists attempt to change maladaptive thoughts

7 CBT Cognitive = “cognitions” or “thoughts” The way you THINK and what you THINK Behavioral = behaviors/actions What you DO and how you ACT Use combinations of verbal/insight interventions with behavioral modifications to change maladaptive beliefs which often lead to maladaptive behaviors

8 CBT Techniques Cognitive aspects: Identify negative maladaptive thought patterns (like bad habits - automatic) How? Thought records Challenge thoughts How? Reality testing/providing evidence Create rational rebuttals to irrational thoughts How? Specific statements based on evidence Thought disorders (i.e., Schizophrenia) Challenge thoughts Remove aversive reaction to delusions

9 Activity Time! Cognitive Restructuring in Action Mr. Laurie has recently announced he has “mild depression.” I guess Dr. House is rubbing off on him. Let’s help him with some cognitive restructuring! Using the handout provided, give an example of: Emotion tied to the event Automatic/irrational thought Rational response

10 CBT Techniques Behavioral Aspects – Depends upon disorder Anxiety symptoms Muscle relaxation, sleep diary/sleep hygiene, social skills training Depressive symptoms Behavioral activation, pleasant events schedule, sleep diary/sleep hygiene Schizophrenia Social skills, behavior modification with token economy (hygiene, social activities)

11 CBT Techniques Homework Assignments!! Sports Team analogy If you want to see improvement, you need to practice outside of session Cognitive- and behavioral-based assignments(thought records, sleep diaries/sleep hygiene, social skills)

12 CBT video Aaron Beck treating client using CBT methods What techniques are being used? Note the client’s reactions

13 Mindfulness Based Therapy

14 Mindfulness-Based Therapy Recent adaptation of cognitive therapy View thoughts as mental events Decenter from thoughts “I am not my thoughts” Meditation Effective for recurrent depression

15 Eclecticism

16 Most psychologists practice “eclecticism” “Melting pot” of therapies – combining techniques from different types of therapy into one that will work best for the client. CBT often serves as a basis for most therapy strategies, but other techniques are incorporated Example: Using Free Association to discover the content and type of negative thought patterns

17 You Be the Psychologist!! JA was self-referred to the Psychology Clinic to address complaints of depression. Develop a treatment plan based on her clinical presentation and your understanding of appropriate treatment for such symptoms.

18 Resources The University of Alabama’s Counseling Center is open to students and is a great resource. Website: eling.html eling.html Location: 225 Russell Hall Phone Number: 205.348.3863

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