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5.1 Vivimos aquí Cornell Notes. Tema: “ser” and “estar” PREGUNTA ESENCIAL: How can I use “ser” and “estar” to describe a house and househould items?

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Presentation on theme: "5.1 Vivimos aquí Cornell Notes. Tema: “ser” and “estar” PREGUNTA ESENCIAL: How can I use “ser” and “estar” to describe a house and househould items?"— Presentation transcript:

1 5.1 Vivimos aquí Cornell Notes

2 Tema: “ser” and “estar” PREGUNTA ESENCIAL: How can I use “ser” and “estar” to describe a house and househould items?


4  “SER”= TO BE  “ESTAR”= TO BE

5 “estar” “ser” estoy estás está estamos estáis están soy eres es somos sois son

6 So what’s the difference?  If you are talking about what something is, use “ ser”.  If you are talking about how something is, use “ estar”. When a noun follows the verb, use “ser” To tell where something is from, use “ser” To tell where something is located now, use “estar” Let’s see….

7 USES OF “SER”;  ORIGIN- where some one or thing is from. Examples; Yo soy de Puerto Rico Tu eres de San Juan Angel es de Nueva York

8 USES OF “SER”  PERSONAL TRAITS OR CHARACTERISTICS – To describe. Examples; Yo soy guapa. Tu eres inteligente. Mi casa es grande.

9 USES OF “SER”;  PROFESSION-what kind of job one has. Examples; Yo soy estudiante. Tu eres doctora. La Señorita Spetly es maestra.

10 USES OF “SER”;  Hour, day, and date. Examples; Son las cinco. Hoy es martes. Es el catorce de diciembre.

11 USES OF “ESTAR”  PHYSICAL LOCATION- where some one or something is. Examples; Yo estoy en Chicago. Tu casa está en Mexico. La casa de Juana está en Cancún.

12 USES OF ESTAR;  PHYSICAL/EMOTIONAL CONDITIONS- feelings are temporary. Examples; Yo estoy enojada. Tu estas bien. José está cansado.

13 ORDINAL NUMBERS indicate the order.  When used with a noun, it must match in number and gender.  Must be placed before nouns. Some examples; Yo vivo en el octavo piso. Es mi quinta lámpara.

14 SOME EXCEPTIONS;  “PRIMERO” AND “TERCERO” drop the –O In front of a masculine singular noun. Examples; El primer cuarto es de Juan. El tercer piso tiene escaleras.

15 Let’s recap… Uses of “ser”Uses of “estar” originlocation traits/ characteristicsphysical condition professionemotional condition Hour, day, date ordinal numbers When used with a noun, it must match in number and gender. Must be before noun. “PRIMERO” AND “TERCERO” drop the –O In front of a masculine singular noun.

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