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Module 55–1 Difficult Customers & Situations Module 5.

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Presentation on theme: "Module 55–1 Difficult Customers & Situations Module 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Module 55–1 Difficult Customers & Situations Module 5

2 5–2 Learning Objectives Identify methods for diffusing customer anger or hostility Develop strategies for handling difficult customers Identify situation that tend to be difficult and develop strategies to diffuse them

3 Module 5 5–3 Difficult Customer Situations Listen Empathize

4 Module 5 5–4 Difficult Customer Situations Respond professionally Recognize underlying factors

5 Module 5 5–5 Difficult Customer Situations Ask questions Give feedback Summarize

6 Module 5 5–6 Limited English Speaking Be patient and concentrate Speak slowly and distinctly Be extra courteous Avoid using slang or industry jargon Speak in a normal tone of voice Reiterate what has been said

7 Module 5 5–7 Long-Winded Caller People will monopolize another’s time on the telephone

8 Module 5 5–8 Argumentative Customers Speak softly Ask for their opinion Take a break – don’t’ get drawn in

9 Module 5 5–9 Verbally Abusive Customer Remain calm Let the customer know the consequences, calmly and objectively

10 Module 5 5–10 Threatening Customers Threats can be an attempt to intimidate you. Keep calm and keep your responses focused on the issue at hand.

11 Module 5 5–11 Hostile/Angry Customers An angry customer is most likely not angry with you.

12 Module 5 5–12 Hostile/Angry Customers Wait until their hostility peaks and then begins to cool. HOSTILITY CURVE Slow Down Supportive Comments Rational Behavior Problem Solved

13 Module 5 5–13 Hostile/Angry Customers– Strategy Listen Empathize Apologize SERVICE Summarize

14 Module 5 5–14 Group Activity

15 Module 5 5–15 Saying “No” Sometimes you have to say “no,” but if you do it right, you can still get a “thank you” for your service

16 Module 5 5–16 Strategies for Saying “No” Explain why it can’t be done Don’t quote policy Don’t be patronizing Offer alternatives when you can Avoid making excuses Eliminate negative phrases Don’t mention other/similar complaints

17 Module 5 5–17 Safety and Security Child Support offices can be targets for: –Theft –Unauthorized entry and access –Threats –Physical abuse and harm

18 Module 5 5–18 Strategies for Safety and Security Door Codes Closed-circuit television cameras Always leave yourself an escape route Construct “natural” barriers to separate ID Badges Panic Button in interview rooms Security guards

19 Module 5 5–19 Summary & Conclusions Methods for diffusing the anger and hostility of customers Strategies for handling difficult customers Strategies for handling difficult situations

20 Module 5 5–20 Learning Objectives Summarize the major workshop topics Identify significant learnings and how you will apply your learning Complete an evaluation of the workshop

21 Module 5 5–21 Workshop Summary Concepts of High-Quality Customer Service Communications Skills Winning Telephone Techniques Difficult Customers and Situations

22 Module 5 5–22 Thank You For Coming…. Susan Greenblatt, Deputy Director –Office of State, Tribal and Local Assistance Charlene Butler, Senior Trainer, –National Training Center

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