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Extra Energy => Positive Power

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Presentation on theme: "Extra Energy => Positive Power"— Presentation transcript:

1 Extra Energy => Positive Power
Anger gives us extra energy. Today we are going to talk about how to turn this energy into Positive Power. Positive Power will help us take care of angry feelings in a safe and healthy way.

2 4 Steps to Managing your Anger
1. STOP! Accept that you are angry. 2. Choose a COOLING strategy Count to 10 Deep breathes 3. Think of an I-Message to express your feeling. 4. Do something POSITIVE with your anger!

3 Cooling Strategies 3 Deep Breathes Count to 10 Draw your anger Talk to a friend

4 I-Message Practice I feel… (feeling word). When you… (describe the action). Because… (say WHY you do not like it). I FEEL mad WHEN YOU always want to work with your best friend BECAUSE I never get to spend any time with you.

5 Positive Power!

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